[Vol 1] Saving Humans While On A Quest (Pt 1)

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Sin P.O.V

After a long day of hunting I was mentally exhausted!!! You must be wondering don't I mean exhausted in general? Well.....no, no not at all cause you see as a kid who got physically and mentally abused I wasn't really keen on exercising or going to the gym. I mostly just stayed home reading books that interested me or cooking. I never really had free time to myself thanks to him but I still enjoyed doing some of the stuff he had me doing. It was peaceful and quiet and was the only time I would get some time to myself or not get hurt at all. It really was peaceful. So doing A day of hunting while trying to figure out how to not die, while also trying to not mess up my form makes my mind go more faster than Brainiac can react. At least I had gotten the hang of it as after we hunted the beowolfs we found a Nevermore that was atleast level 26. It was really strong and was pushing me to my limits as it was almost the same height as me! But luckily it doesn't have anything in its arsenal for close combat. I had ripped its wings/Arms off and chewed out a portion of its throat killing it instantly. I also got some more levels from the fight and I got a better handle on the System just look.



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I found out about these when I had came back from the trip and turns out I have some skills. That I had earned from My fight with both the beowolfs and the Nevermore.


Sharpened Claws(Passive)- Claws are Sharpened and can slice through almost anything.

Sharpened Fangs (Passive)- Teeth are able to bite into the toughest of Materials.

Sharpened Talons(Passive)- Talons are able to cut through most material without any trouble.

Observe (Lvl 3/10)- See a person stats and power and others by looking.

Bloodlust(5/10)- Focusing your killer intent on to your enemies making weaker enemies get pushed down while enemies on a higher level or same will be paralyzed. If to strong effects will be negated.

Longevity(Passive)- All diseases,poison,and negative status effects are healed instantly.

So yeah that's all of the skills I have all together. It's really cool to think I won't get sick ever. The rest of the skills are more for combat which is awesome. Then we have the [Inventory] which I don't have much except for some beowolfs pelts, Nevermore Feathers(×30), Beowolf mask and some food. When Mira found out about me unlocking Inventory she instantly gave me all of her portion of meet she was carrying and scolded me for not telling her, saying ' Do you know how heavy this is you I idiot dragon! Your lucky I found this now otherwise you'll have a different Mira to deal with'. I don't know why but Mira is pretty scary when she is made but also cute? She has this little pout that's just adorable when you see it. It's just the cutest! Anyway me and Mira have gotten along relatively well, actually really good as we are always there to keep each other company and play around in the woods ignoring the Grimm that would look at us weirdly as we passed. It's been really fun! The most fun I've had in my entire life!!! Mira has always managed to make me smile, laugh, and calm down ever since we met which hasn't been that long but it feels like years to us as if it's just a daily routine. Also I'm a tone of a lot stronger thanks to killing that Nevermore.

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