[Vol 2] A Scream For My Shadow

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Sin P.O.V

After leaving the group of devils. I zipped towards my home with a unconscious Viser in hand.

'A, Mira could you perhaps help me with trying to explain this to the girls?' I asked as my shadow zipped around the street.

'Yeah, I don't mind. Not going to lie ,I was considering letting you take the heat but we've already set up and we are just waiting for you. So yeah~' Mira told me making me chuckle.

'Okay my little priest~ I'll be there in a sec.' I told her as I heard her giggle before cutting the link.

I then zipped towards my house as it wasn't thar far away. When I arrived on my street I sensed that no one was around or looking outside so I stepped out of the shadows as I took off my Shadow gear and placed on some normal clothing as I did the same for Viser who I just drown in shadows to change.

 When I arrived on my street I sensed that no one was around or looking outside so I stepped out of the shadows as I took off my Shadow gear and placed on some normal clothing as I did the same for Viser who I just drown in shadows to change

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After that I started walking towards my house as I then knocked on it softly. It was a couple of seconds until Mira came opening the door.

"Come on hurry inside" She told me as I quickly walked inside the house.

When she closed the door I was soon rushed on by the other 3 girls who were looking at me worriedly.

"Are you alright Sin? Mira told us what happened, are you wounded at all ?" Katase asked me as she and the girls were still staring at me worried.

'I told them that you had stopped a girl from getting raped and was heading this way since the guy had escaped and she is unconscious'

I gave a slight nob before giving the girls a warm smile.

"I'm alright girls, I promise. Though I think our guest though will be taking the guest room, so you girls wait down here and I'll come back down when I'm done putting her in bed okay?" I said making all them smile as they nodded and each gave me a peek on the cheek.

"Hurry up then , I brought some movies for us too watch together and I believe we all want to cuddle tonight~" Aika said giving me a devious smirk as all of the girls made their way back to the couch which seemed to be a pull out bed!!!

'I swear I need to explore more' I thought as I sighed happily and made my way upstairs.

When I made it up I walked down the halls until I reached the guest room. I opened the room and walked inside as I carefully put her down on the bed covering her body in the covers. Seeing her sleeping soundly I opened my Inventory as I got a piece if paper and a pen and wrote a small note telling her where she is and the situation so when she wakes up she won't be confusing the girls with our story, giving away my identity, and what happened all of that stuff. After I was done with that I went back down stairs as I looked to see the girls all looking at me expectingly making me chuckle.

"Let me fix my plate and I'll come over" I told them as they all nodded. I went and fixed me a plate as I then went to the living room and laid in the middle of the couch bed.

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