[Vol 2] The Big Three Surprises

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Sin P.O.V

It was early in the morning as I woke up from the alarm clock I had set up on my phone. As I slowly sat up from the bed I stretched my arms hearing a very satisfying crack.

"*Yawn~* Man, I think I've had better naps."I said as I got out of bed heading towards the bathroom.

'I wonder why the girls decided to just have a sleep over out of nowhere?' I thought as I stepped in the shower letting the hot water clash against my skin making my body relax.

Mira P.O.V

'Jeez, It's morning already? I atleast thought we would have more time.' I thought as I sat up from the ground.

You see me,Katase,Aika and Muryama decided to have a sleepover yesterday since they wanted to talk to me about something. I was a bit confused at the sudden invite but I accepted non of the less. Luckily as Sin's mate and System guide, I have access to [Inventory]. It was pretty fun as we watched some chick flicks,did each other's hair, and had a cooking contest. A which I had won of course, I have to thank Sin For maxing out that Cooking Skill later.

(For all of you wondering if she can use all of our skills, No she can't. She only has access to specific skills such as Cooking.)

Anyways, It turns out that hanging out wasn't the main purpose of the sleepover. It was a meeting to talk about...... Sin. As it turns out all three girls have a major crush on him and were asking for my permission to share him at which I laughed at. They were kind of scared when I started laughing but I quickly reassured them that it wasn't for the reason that they thought. It was actually because I already knew that they had a crush on him. I mean Katase always blushes and stutters around him and if that wasn't enough proof, she would secretly sneak into his room and wear his hoodies when he was out training in a forest somewhere. I still haven't told him where they have been disappearing too hehe~. Muryama is more on the Tsundere side, she'll blush whenever he does something cute but then hit him the next second. She would usually ask me alot about Sin ever since they met, it was like she held him somewhere high in her heart. Like he was on a pedestal that had caught her eyes into a trance. Then you have Aika, to tell the truth I think almost everyone except that dense dragon knows that she has a crush on him. I mean she literally has a picture of him while he was half naked on her phone as her wallpaper. Then there's her smell, you see being a dragon slayer has it perks since our sense of smell is very sensitive. So we're able to smell things better than most animals, meaning I can smell when she just masturbathe. The girl basically does it almost every lunchtime making the smell so recognizable. I told them I don't mind at all actually as I wasn't the person they had to ask. I am just the jury that says worthy or not worthy while Sin is the judge to determine whether or not you'll join. I also told them that they'll have to remember that there will be others. They understood as all they wanted was to be in Sin's life.

I look over towards all the girls who were all sleeping in one of Sin's missing hoodies with a smile on their face and a little smell of arousal from Aika.

'Well Sin, I wonder how you'll react to your 3 surprises?' I thought with a little giggle as all the girls started to stirr.

"Come on sleepy heads! It's Friday and I don't want to be late" I yelled making all of them groan in annoyance.

'Ahhh,Yep he's going to love them'

-Time Skip-
Sin P.O.V

Right now I was walking with Isami and her new girlfriend,Yumma. Turns out she had called Ismai so that they can walk to school together. I met them up along the way and was kinda of surprised to see her as her fingers were intertwined with Isami's. They both gave me bright smiles as we soon continued to walk. As we kept walking the two of them were mostly chatting as I just hanged in the back not wanting to be 'that third wheel' as Mira puts it.
As we continued to walk we were soon met with Motohama and Matsuda who were about to greet us, but stopped when they saw Yumma and Isami holding hands.

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