[Vol 1] A Distant Little Kitty and Frustrated Dragon.

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Some Weeks Later...

Sin P.O.V

So a couple of weeks has passed since the whole fiasco with Jean. After that night me and Pyhrra have been training her in everyday we could. I trained her physically, meaning her reaction time,Strength,speed, and flexibility. While Pyhrra trained her on how to wield her weapons properly, strategic movements and tactics. Over the weeks Jean has gotten considerably better at fighting. She can even keep up with Pyhrra for a while before she gives out. Also me and the rest of the girls have gotten considerably more closer over the weeks, surprisingly even Blake has gotten closer to me. I don't know why but lately I've been feeling my heart thump when I look at them. Nora being the energetic,funny, go lucky girl is always fun to hang out with. Rin being the more silent type and trained we would spar at times we were free. Of course I would win but it was still fun as each fight got more interesting than the last. We wouldn't always train as we would either joke around or read a book with each other or just laying in silence looking at the sky. Yang is also really funnto hang out with. She would try to tease me of flirt with me to which I just responded by doing it back. I don't know what charm I have but I win everytime so she always backs off blushing. Ruby and me would chat often as we were more alike. The only difference is that she's more innocent than me of so I think? I'm not sure I remember but at one point she had snuggled up with me while I was in Yang's bed. I was trying to go to sleep but I kept feeling a pair of lips planting kisses up and down my neck. It couldn't have been Yang as she wasn't in the bed and the rest of the girls were in their own beds so that only left Ruby who was behind me. Then me and Pyhrra, we would often talk too as we enjoyed each other's company, turns out Pyhrra doesn't really like to be popular. She says its to worrisome as people would only want to use you for their own personal gain. Then there's the matter about autographs, being in public, everything a superstar would have to go through she went through except the drugs. I don't even think this world has drugs....., does it? Well never mind. Anyways Jean's has been acting weird lately. Whenever ever I try to talk to her she always breaks out blushing or stumbling over her words or just running away from me. I asked the girls if I had did something wrong to her or something but they all just giggled at me making me more confused then I've been in this world.
Blake has been more talkative towards me and the girls and me and her would often read books together and chat about them together. I even playfully teased her about 'Ninjas Love' which just made her blush which was really cute!

Anyways it's Friday in the afternoon right and right now me,Mira,Eri,and Team R.W.B.Y are entering Vale. Me,Mira and Eri came along for the fact we could get more clothes otherwise than that wr have no idea why we are here for.

"Ahhhh it's so nice to be out of the cramped campus" I said stretching my legs as Eri giggling at me.

"Papa, your just saying that because you don't want to do work" Eri giggled.

"Hehehe~ your right snowball but can you blame your papa? It's boring and you know it." I said making her nod in agreement

Me and Eri are at the back of the group as the girls were infront of us chatting it up. As we kept waking we finally arrived to Vale seeing a big sign in the front reading 'Welcome to Vale'. This was for all of the students that would be coming here for the Vystaral Festival.

"Vystaral Festival!, oh this is absolutely wonderful" Weiss said clasping her hands together as she smiled at the sign in front of her.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Weiss, it's kinda of weirding me out." Ruby said

"I agree with Mama Ruby on that Mama Weiss"Eri said raising her hand while she was on my shoulder.

"How could you not smile?! A Festival dedicated to the cultures of the world. There will be dances,parades, a tournament, oh~ the amounts of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking!" Weiss said as we started walking to what smelled like the docks.

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