[Vol 2] Ismai First Girl

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Sin P.O.V

So..... It's been 3 months ever since we came into this world and I'm not going to lie. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would. After the whole fight and sparing thing I gained the title Silver Dragon of Kuoh becauseof my eyes. Relatively I simply didn't care much about it as it wasn't really standing for much. Anyways, over the past 3 months   Me and Mira have become very popular due to something I did. You see let me explain, As it turns out Isami was a pervert who would peek at girls boobs if she ever got the chance and because of this she had to change at a separate time then the other girls. When Mira told me this I basically ran to Isami and gave her a good lecture about why it was wrong. As it turns out she actually bi, but prefers girls due to personal reasons. Hearing this I began to help her take the right steps even if I'm not even sure if I was taking the right steps. Anyways, she began to change for the better. Instead of being a shameless perv she's more kept in about it and only shows reaction if they are presented to her and not when she secretly tries to catch a peek. Now don't get me wrong she's still a bit of a perv but not the one that the school knows so it's okay. After about two weeks of this the school let her change with the rest of the girls for the rest of the time as the girls didn't have any issues whatsoever and were Instead enjoying her company. Then after that Muryama and Katase have been getting close to me and Mira. There are times when she invites them over for a sleep over and makes me sleep in the guest room. I don't know what they talk about in there but when morning comes and they see me they automatically start blushing so I don't know what's up. Oh, and also they introduced me to their friend Aika. Aika has light brown hair that are braided into 2 ponytails, green eyes that show this lime like color. She wears pink round glasses and has a good body but you can tell she is still developing.

 She wears pink round glasses and has a good body but you can tell she is still developing

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The first time we met was in the classroom about the 5th day of school. She was off with her parents on some trip making her miss the other 4. When she met me she grew a smirk on her face and looked me up and down as if she was scanning me. When she reached below my waist she had a nose bleed and fainted back into the arms of Muryama who was luck to catch her. When she came to she stared at me wide eyes as I was confused.

"How do you walk around with that?! It's like a third leg! Hell you even bigger than a horse!!!" She yelled out making me more confused and making Katase and Muryama blush with steam coming out if their ears.

After that she was added into my group of friends as she was fun to hang around with and got along great with everyone even Isami. I also got a better relationship with the whole student council. You see sometimes at lunch I would head there to check up on them and help if possible. Even though they are devils I remembered that being in these type of positions can be extremely exhausting so I would help when I can. During these I would usually hang out with them by either making them take a rest and I try to finish some of the work for them or just making them stop and total and take a nap which for some reason they always snuggle up on me. It's probably because of the heat from my body, I don't know. Anyways we've even hung out after and out of school which was fun for all of us. I even went on some friendly dates with them that ended up making Mira mumble something about Eri going to have more moms? I don't know it's weird.

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