[Vol 2] First Day Of A New School Pt 2

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Sin P.O.V

As we walked down the hallways towards our classroom me and Mira were discussing counter measures since their was clearly some devils here.

'So now that we know that there's more how about we signal each other when we either smell one or interact acr with one' Mira told me making me nod.

'So, just message and give a name right? That's easy enough' I thought out as we walked towards our classroom.

It was pretty easy to navigate through as we we're both put into the same classes making it very easy to stay together. We walked towards the classroom 2-B as it turns out we are put down as second years in our files. Anyways we finally arrived to our classroom as the door was closed.

"Well, here we come boring school life." I groaned as Mira giggled.

Mira then knocked on the door as we then waited for someone to open it. We were then greeted by a old man who looked like he was in his mid forties. He was bald on top of his head but had had gray hair on the sides. He gave off this sick feeling as I stared at him and he at us.

"Hello, can I help you two?" He asked in a bored toneas he stole a glance at Mira.

"Yes, we are your new transfer students!" Mira said giving him a small smile as I just sighed internally.

"Oh, I totally forgot about that. Well you two wait out here until I call you in." he told us as we nodded yes and he closed the door.

"I already don't like this" I said making Mira sigh.

"Sin just give it a chance, I mean it's only been one day. Also nothing bad has happened today and we made some new friends!Cheer up, for me please~?" She said giving me puppy eyes.

"Fine, You short cutie" I said smirking as she just sighed.

"I'm not short, your just to tall." She pouted making me giggle.

She was about to say something else when we were called from inside the classroom. We both turned towards each other and nodded as I then opened the door. Mira walked in first with me trailing right behind her as we came to a stop at the front of the class.

"Everyone these are our new transfer students, please introduce yourselves or what not." He said shooing us with his hand making me gritt my teeth.

"Hi everyone!, My name is Mira Sanctum, I like fantasy,cooking,reading,and singing." Mira introduced as I just sighed.

"Yo!, My name is Sin Mesmine. I like fighting,singing,books,and making friends. I hope you take care of us" I said as we both gave a small bow.

"Nice,nice, does anybody have any questions?" The teacher asked making a couple of hands going up, and one of them looked familiar.

"Yes Isami?" The addressed making me and Mira snap our heads in Isami's direction.

"Aye Mira, are you single?" Isami asked making every boy bore their eyes on her.

"N-no I'm not, Im dating Sin here." She stated making everyone groan in disappointment as I saw Katase in the crowd of people who were disappointed.

"Though, for any of you girls~, I'm happy to tell you that I am willing to share~" Mira stated making me look at her questioningly as all the girls brightened up at the news.

"Uhhhhhh" I trailed as I was getting some pretty lustful looks from all the females in the room.

The teacher then picked out a random girl who had her hand raised.

"Exuse me, but Sin are you a pervert?" She asked making all the girls nod at her and stare at me.

"No, actually I'm not...... what is up with this pervert nonsense?" I asked making all the girls sigh in relief.

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