[Vol 2] The Battle for Yamato Pt 1

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Sin P.O.V

We all stood at the ready as we waited for any moved from the other side. I knew that I was out numbered but I just couldn't help but be excited. Seeing no movement from my side without anywarning Kila launched the first attack.

"Ice Demon Rage!" She shouted as a blast of purple colored Ice Shot out of her mouth.

"Ice Demon Rage!" She shouted as a blast of purple colored Ice Shot out of her mouth

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Seeing the attack coming I quickly took in a breath launching my own attack.

"Fire Dragon Roaaaaaar!!" I Roared as A stream of fire shot out of my mouth.

Our attacks collided making a large smoke screen covering the field

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Our attacks collided making a large smoke screen covering the field. Even though my vision was obscured I still somewhat could feel them moving around by the vibrations in the earth but it wasn't enough as my senses suddenly went of making me duck under a punch that was aiming for my face. I was about to leg sweep whoever it was but I was stopped when I had to backflipp out of the way of a giant paw. I still wasn't in the safe zone as from behind me a giant familiar sword appeared and swung at my side. I quickly turned my skin into Iron as I couldn't dodge the attack in time. When she hit me I felt like I was hit by a wrecking ball literally sending me flying.

'Damn!' I thought as I crashed into the wall of the stadium.

I unstuck myself from the walls as I then dodged another punch going for my face. I then caught one going for my as I side kicked my attacker. My senses started striking as Two attacks were coming from both sides of me making me smirk.

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" I said as I grabbed both of their fist and swung them away.

I then lifted my arm up to catch a paw that was trying to crush me once more. I was about to throw the paw up but I surprisingly I was kicked in my back by a force I couldn't sense.

'What was that? It surely was an attack so why didn't I sense it? Was it Bellzebub perhaps?'I thought as I dragged myself across the ground getting back into my stance.

'I need to clear this smoke otherwise I'll be blind this whole fight.' I thought as I then jumped high up in the air to get away for a bit.

I looked down at the stadium as I then took a huge breath.

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