[Vol 1] The Chase Of The White Fang And The Love Of A Dragon.

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2 Days Later

Ruby P.O.V

As I slept soundly in my bed I could feel the sun beaming down on my face making my face contort as I slowly sat my self up only to have myself pulled back down by someone's small hands. I look over to my right to see little Eri clutching onto my sides as she slept soundly. Seeing this I gave a soft smile as I softly brushed her hair out of her face. While Eri was still asleep I looked down at Blake's bed to see that it was still empty making me frown. I looked up towards Yang's bed to see that Sin is still not back as well. Haaaa, let me explain, you see it's been 2 days since we've last seen Mira,Blake and Sin and we're getting kinda of worried since they haven't contacted us at all over the weekend. I mean I know Sin can handle himself if he ever got himself in trouble but he is a airhead at times and that what worries me. But then you have Blake and Mira who are capable of protecting their selfs but can be put a disadvantage if outnumbered and since they most likely don't know where Sin is then that is a major problem. I sighed as I then got out of bed to start the day as me and the rest were going to search for them today. Also I forgot to mention something that is majorly important, turns out that Blake is a Faunas!!! Yeah I know right, surprising really. We found out yesterday after we had told team JPNR about everything that happened. Pyhrra was the one who pointed it out taking Blake's actions and ailing them to a regular Faunas which actually made sense, since she really seemed to love Fish and Tuna. Anyways I jumped down from my bed heading towards the bathroom so we could start the day.

-Time Skip-

We all are now walking down the side walk as Yang gave Eri a piggy back ride making the little girl giggle from Yang's bad puns.

"They've been gone all weekend" I moped as we walked.

"Blake and Mira are big girls they can handle themselves and Sin is no different i mean he is a Dragon after all."Weiss said making me smile a bit but internally I was still frowning.

"So Weiss, now that you had some time to yourself. What is your opinion on the Faunas now?" Yang questioned making Weiss go into thought.

"I guess...... I actually really don't know. I mean I guess my opinion on Faunas really did change but to know that my Family was the match that lit the fire is alot to take in. But I still can't help but wonder why is the white fang targeting dust shops i mean no one needs that much dust." Weiss stated making me smile at her

"See Eri, Weiss can be a softy~"I joked as Eri and Yang giggled at me while I received a glare from Weiss.

"Oh shut it, now aren't we here to find Blake and Mira." Weiss said making me nod.

"Yeah we are let's search around" I said getting nod from the 3 as we then began our search.

'Where could you girls be?'

Mira P.O.V

Right now I am sitting at a small table with Blake and The monkey Faunas Sun having tea. Me and Blake weren't really looking forward to it since I could just ask Sin if he can fly around the city and see if he spots anything abnormal but considering how dragons are supposed to be extinct and no one really knows about his existence I'm not going to risk it.

"Sooooo....."Sun trailed off as he stared at us while he teacup was held by his tail.

"Why do you want to know about us?" I asked straight forward and bluntly making him chuckle.

"Can't I get to know two beautiful ladies that looked troubled? I mean you girls were pretty loud when you were arguing."he answered making me Sigh as Blake deadpan at his answer.

"Well, Blake you go first" I stared making said girl turn towards me and giving me a glare that I just giggled at.

"*Sigh*Sun are you familiar with the white fang?"Blake asked

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