[Vol 2] New world and Annoying God

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Sin P.O.V

Ughhhhhhh, you know those moments when your body just feels all sore no matter what? Well that is what I'm going through right now. You see i had just woke up about a minute ago due to a certain shinning light that was beaming in my face as I slept. I couldn't really move due to fact that there's something on my chest which is most likely Mira due to her body structure and white hair and also that my body is slowly healing itself from the damage I had suffered. Taking a look around and the smell of the place I would say that we are in a forest somewhere.

"Ughhhhhhh" Mira groaned as she groggily lifted off my chest rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"What the? Where-" Hse was cut off by me.

"Goodmorning my little priest~" I managed to say making her look down at me.

"Sin! Wh-Where are we?" She asked

"I don't really know but we are in a forest somewhere, though I would really like you to get off of me and help me heal please~" I pleaded as she then noticed that she was sitting on my chest and immediately got off.

"Oh my God! What happened to you?!" She said as she knelt beside me trying to heal me.

"I-I blame a certain God" I groaned as I could feel my body going back to normal.

When Mira was done healing me I groggily stood up popping my bones as I did.

"I swear, I don't think our God wants us to live shooting us out like that!" I said as I popped my left arm back in place making me grunt in pain.

"Well seems like he sent us where he wanted. Do you smell anything other than trees?" Mira asked making me click my teeth.

"Yeah, I smell food over there" I said pointing behind me as I dusted the dirt off of my clothes.

But that's when I noticed that I wasn't wearing what I usually wear, I was wearing a plain gray long sleeve shirt with blue jeans that had rips in them along with some white airforceses.

But that's when I noticed that I wasn't wearing what I usually wear, I was wearing a plain gray long sleeve shirt with blue jeans that had rips in them along with some white airforceses

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"What the?" I questioned as I then turned towards Mira who was also confused as she was wearing something different as well.

"What the?" I questioned as I then turned towards Mira who was also confused as she was wearing something different as well

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