[Vol 2] Shadow Is A Care Taker

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Rias P.O.V

I stood there as I watched Isami walked out of the door as she threatened me with Shadow. To be honest I was quite sad how everything turned out. I mean why, just why can't she let these girls go?! One literally tried to kill her and the other is still associated with them. I could call my brother for help but he hasn't been himself lately. I think it's because of the anniversary of his last wife's death....... She died from a disease that was documented as noncureable as it had something to deal with the influx of her magic affecting her skin cells. But anyways with the way we are right now we could not take on those guys.

'*Sigh* Why won't she just listen? I don't want to abandon the Nun but to go after the fallen as well. We don't know if she is just playing a act.' I thought as I just sighed and slumped down in my chair.

As I sat and questioned myself I didn't notice, Akeno whispering to Kiba and Koneko. Whenever she was done with telling them whatever it was they nodded before heading out the door leaving me and Akeno.

"Pres-, Rias, You seem frustrated and confused. I don't mind lending a ear to hear you out." Akeno said giving me a warm smile.

"*Sigh* Why? Why can't she understand that things are too dangerous right now. I don't want her to get hurt because of her own negligence to the fact that we don't have enough information to go against them. We can't just go attacking blindly, they have Liutanent Class Fallen on their side and we don't even know if he's the only one." I said as she came up towards me and walked behind my chair.

"Rias, What would you do if me or any of us got captured and was getting ready to be killed?" She asked.

"I would storm into the place without a second thought and try to save you guys! Even if I had to ask Sona for help!" I answered quickly as I didn't even have to think about it.

These guys are my friends, no family, why would I wait to get them to safety!

"Hehehe~ Now Rias think about what you just said and What Isami is planning on doing." She told me as I went into thought for a bit until it clicked.

"I understand now, but why would she risk it for two people who she doesn't even know?" I asked her.

"Bonds could be grown in a short time Rias. Just like how I became your best friend in just a week of meeting each other." She said wrapping her arms around my neck as she stood behind me.

"You know for someone who is a Sadist and Maschoist. You give out some pretty wise talks." I said giving her a smile.

"I'm your Queen, I have to have some type of wisdom under my belt." She said with a smug smile as she then walked infront of my desk.

"Now let's go, I already told Koneko and Kiba to go to the chruch and knowing Isami she isn't going to call Shadow~ unless it's a dire situation or he just shows up himself." She said giving me a smirk.

"You know I'm getting pretty worried about how you say his name" I said standing up and making my way towards her as below our feet a teleportaion circle appeared

"My man is interesting and from what I felt when we met. He just my type~" She said licking her lips as I just giggled at her antics as the ground then flashed.

'I'll prove myself to you Isami, and show you that I am not like other devils'

Sin P.O.V

After calming down and reassuring Viser I told her she is allowed to live here for as long as she liked. I then explained her what's goes on in this house, who knows about the supernatural, and why I dress up as my other persona Shadow. She took in all the information and she promised that she'll try her best to avoid me being caught which i am really grateful for.

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