[Vol 1] Magic And A New Team

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Sin P.O.V

I stared at the screen in front of me in confusion and happiness as I laid there with Pyhrra on me petting my head.


Quest Completed

EXP Reward:9,000

Rewards: Transformation,10,000 lien, Shop unlocked, Dungeon Create unlocked, Dungeon Escape unlocked.

Shop Point Earned:6,000

Now you must be wondering, why am I confused ? Well it because of this.


Transformation- Be able to transform in a smaller form or human form.

That's what I'm confused about. I never thought that I would get a human form since I don't remember if the screen mentioned it back then and here this is, But if I can turn into a human than wouldn't I be a faunas due to some of my dragonic showing ? Or would I be a human without my features ? That's the confusing part. Now if I can become a human and bring out my dragon features on will that'll be awesome!!! But that's the thing with the system, it's unpredictable.

I must've been staring to long as all the girls were looking at me worried.

"Did something happen?" I asked as I looked at them.

"You weren't responding to us and was just staring off into space..... is something wrong?" Mira asked as the rest of the girl were still looking at me.

"No... I'm confused, You see we completed the quest and the rewards were really good." I said looking down at her.

She nodded for me to continue as I lightly pushed Pyhrra off of me towards the girls making them confused at my actions.

"Just watch this alright" I said as I then started the Transformation skill making a bright like surround me and blind the girls.

I closed my eyes as I felt myself getting smaller and felt my features disappearing. I felt my scaley skin becoming more smooth with the scales disappearing. My talons and claws were fading away as I felt my fist become normal again.

As the light soon died down I didn't open my eyes in fear of what I look like. I heard multiple gasps from in front of me making me really not want to open my eyes.

"S....Sin?" Pyhrra said questioningly.

"Wait a moment that's Sin?!" Jean yelled outlook as I kept my eyes closed still.

"H-how?, just how?" Weiss questioned

"Aye Blake please tell me we are not imagining this?, because I think I might pass out." Yang said as I smelled the scent of blood? Coming from her for some reason.

"Y-your not imagining it." Blake said simply.

I could feel them all staring at me as I held my eyes closed tight.

"Sin, why do you have your eyes closed." I heard Ruby asked

"I'm afraid of what I look like, I know it's pretty stupid but I don't know how I look right now. " I said laughing nervously at the end.

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