[Vol 2] First Day Of A New School Pt1

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Sin P.O.V

As I slept in gazing over the dark void which is my dream land. I was woken up by a constant shifting of movement on my chest. I groggily peeked open one of my eyes to see Mira straddling my stomach and puffing her cheeks out as she stared down angerly and cutely at me.

"Sin! Wake up! Were going to be late if you sleep in!!!" She yelled at me shaking my chest as I just groaned.

"Mira~, Let's do this tomorrow~, I'm tired still, get back in bed." I said making her huff.

"Sin, come on! I know your not excited about this world but let's at least give it a chance" She told me making me sigh as her ocean blue eyes stared down at me.

"*Sigh* Are you sure that Mark doesn't give you the power to control me?" I asked playfully as she just giggled.

"Nope, just the power of suggestion, and, some other things~" she whispered into my ear seductively making shiver.

She then got off of me letting me sit up as I stretched my arms out.

"Now, I'm going to go fix us some breakfast, your going to shower up and get dressed understand? The uniform is on the dresser." She told me as she kissed me on the cheek and walked out the door with the sway of her hips.

'I swear it's like she's trying to make me pounce her!' I thought with a smirk.

I then sighed as I started getting out of bed and started walking towards the bathroom in only boxers.

'I wonder what this school is like? I mean God did say it was now a co op school so I wonder how it's like.' I questioned as I turned on the shower head and stepped into the water fully naked as the water collided against my skin feeling me with more warmth and heat.

-Time Skip-

I was now standing infront of the dresser with a disgusted look as I gazed down at the uniform before me.

The more I just stare at it, the more I regret coming into the Dungeons to begin with! I mean I literally have a whole daughter and I won't be able to see her at all for awhile

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The more I just stare at it, the more I regret coming into the Dungeons to begin with! I mean I literally have a whole daughter and I won't be able to see her at all for awhile.

"*sigh* God i really hope this worth the trouble your putting us in....." I said as I then started putting on the uniform.

-Small Time Skip-

I was now walking down the stairs in this monkey suit of a uniform which was really tight on about everything. I mean I literally almost couldn't even put on the pants. Luckily I had called Mira who had used her magic to adjust the clothing to my correct size and liking.

"Hurry up and eat silly dragon~. We don't want to be late on our first day, and also I know your thinking about the others, and trust me I am to. But what can we do? Were trapped here until we either can complete the main quest or..... you learn how to use a certain dragon slayer magic..." she said making me look at her with my face stuffed with food.

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