[Vol 1] A Knights Courage

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Sin P.O.V

So after yesterday's events me,Pyhrra and the rest of the girls kept sort of a close eye on Jean whenever we could. It didn't help much that whenever Cardin showed up and did something to her she would stop me before I could put him in his place. It's been really tiring for me and the girls and I could see it is putting alot of stress on Jean. Sadly right now we are in Professer Obleek class as he was explaining somthing that had to deal with a war and Faunas. Eri was asleep in my lap as she snuggled up in my chest sleeping soundly while the rest of the girls were bored just like me, except Jean. She was sleeping as well and you could tell she didn't get much last night due to the small but noticeable bags under her eyes. Pyhrra told me she was up all night doing her homework and also Cardin's. As professor Obleek kept zipping around the room explaining his lecture and sipping his coffee. Everyone kept turning their head due to the fact that he would be in one place then the other very quickly making our neck hurts.

"Now have any among you have been subjected or discriminated because of your Faunas heritage?" The Professer asked as I took a quick glance at the rabbit girl who surprisingly didn't raise her hand, most likely didn't want the attention I understand.

As one person raised their hand. Velvet had flinched and slowly raised her hand hanging her head.

"Dreadful, Simply Dreadful, remember students it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breed violence"he said taking another sip from his cup.

'Yeah.... Violence' I thought taking a quick glance behind me glaring a Cardin who seemed to see my glare and started glaring back.

"I mean ,i mean just look at the white fang?!" He stated making see a certain Belladonna flinch from the name.

'Did she have something to do with them?'I thought putting a pin in it for later.

'Now can any of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?" He asked as Weiss raised her hand.

"Yes!" He said acknowledging Weiss

"The Battle of Fort castle."she answered

"Precisely! And who could tell me the advantage the Faunas had over general lagoons forces?" He asked as I was about to raise my hand to answer but stopped when my senses picked up a incoming object coming towards.... Jean! I quickly stretched my hand out over Jean's head as I had got the teachers attention and caught whatever was heading towards the sleeping knight all without waking Eri up.

"Yes!"he said to me.

"Night vision" I answered as I got a grunt of annoyance from the jerk behind me.

"Correct Mr.Mesmine!, Also do you mind waking up Ms.Arc please?" He asked making me nod as I then gently shook her awake.

"Hey wake up, you can sleep later after this okay?" I said silently into her ear making her nod and groggily sit straight up .

"Great!, now where was I, oh right!" He said continuing on with his lecture as I turned around looking up a Cardin with a glare.

"Mess with her again and I promise I'll burn you alive next time" I threatened as he just looked at me and scoffed making me more pissed.

As the class had went the school bell ringed making all of us start packing until the teacher announced something.

"Alright everyone carry out now except Mr.Winchester and Ms.Arc stay back for additional readings." The teacher announced making my little knight groan.

"Don't worry when your done I'll be outside waiting for you okay" I said to her making her nod

I then walked out the door with Eri on my shoulder as she ran her fingers through my hair.

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