[Vol 1] A Undetermined Little Knight

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Sin P.O.V

As we arrived back in our room, back in the same spot we were standing in. I looked around the room to see that all of the girls were still asleep. I quitely made my way towards the curtains and peaked through to see it's still night time and most likely in the middle of the night. I turned around walking back to the two girls as quiet as I can be.

"Okay it's only midnight so we can get some rest for a bit." I said as both of them nodded.

"But wait how are we going to explain to them about Eri?" Mira asked bringing up a good point.

"Hmmmm, aye Eri how would you like to be my adopted Daughter?" I asked her making her eyes grow wide like saucers.

"Sin, you do know that being a father takes a lot of responsibility right?" Mira asked crossing her arms in serious mode.

"Yes I do, and it'll be fine. If I have any trouble I can always count on you and the girls" I said with a wide smile making her sigh then smile at me.

"Fine then" she said as Mira the knelt down towards Eri

"So Eri, How would you feel about us becoming you parents?" Mira asked again as this time Eri ran into Mira's arm crying as she nodded up against her shoulder.

"That's great! Now Eri you will be having other mama's soon so I won't be the only one you dad loves okay?" Mira stated making Eri nod as I was confused

"Huh?, who else am I going to love? I don't think any girls have their eyes on me." I said making Mira give me a pity look before turning back towards Eri.

"As you can see your Dad is a bit of a idiot but he's our idiot right?" Mira said happily as I just groaned.

"R-right" We heard from a very little sweet voice coming from Eri.

"OMG, you sound so adorable! Come here you little cutie" Mira said picking the girl up and hugging her in her boobs.

"Mira calm down we still have to get to sleep and I don't think your books are allowing her to breath." I said making her stop and look down at the girl who had swirls in her eyes from being faced in her adoptive mothers chest.

"Hehehe~ sorry about that, now let's go to sleep" Mira giggled as I nodded laying down up against the wall as Mira sat in my lap with Eri in hers and I wrapped. Y arms around them protectively as we all started drifting off into the darkness.

-Time Skip-

As I had slept soundly in the black peaceful landscape which is my mind I was suddenly woken up by the noise of screaming making me jump awake as I look around frantically for the disturbance. Not detecting any danger I looked straight forward to see all of the girls surrounding Eri as if she was on display wearing some new clothing that I guess Mira got her.

 Not detecting any danger I looked straight forward to see all of the girls surrounding Eri as if she was on display wearing some new clothing that I guess Mira got her

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