hide out.

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"I uh, like the new things in your lip." Patrick said as I rode shotgun in his car. Hillary was somewhere driving my parents car into a nearby parking lot do police couldnt find it as I went to Patrick's house to stay.

"Thanks." I said sadly. There was a bit of silence in the car as Patrick drove still in his batman pajama bottoms. "You know you can get in trouble for harboring a run away, right?" I asked.

"I figured as long as my mom was away I might as well help out a friend." He shrugged.

"That's you, always helping out a friend." I chuckled.

"I wouldn't feel right if I didn't. My conscionce would get the best of me. Besides, Pete will be thrilled that your back when he gets out." Patrick said.

"When do you think he will?" I asked getting sad again.

"Well, his dads a lawyer so I don't think it will be too long although this is his second offence." Patrick said. I stared blankly out the window.

"Your birthday is in a week you know, you both could of just waited until then." Patrick said.

"Hillary didn't get it either" I sighed.

"No, no, I get it" Patrick said with his voice now taking a downturn into sadness. The rest of the car ride was silent.

We pulled up to Patrick's house and he led me in. We sat down on the couch still in silence.

"So did you think of a plan?" Patrick asked "for once you turn eighteen?" He continued. "My mom will be gone for three weeks so you can stay until then, but in sure Pete will be out before then."

"I don't really know what to do right now, this is so confusing." I began to cry.

"You have Hillary and I, so it will be alright. I don't think the police will find you here or anything, we just have to keep you hidden for a week." He reassured me.

That night as I layed on Patrick's living room couch trying to fall asleep I couldn't stop thinking about how much trouble I'd get in if I was caught, or when I would get to see Pete again. When I came to illinois I thought it would feel like home again, but right now I've never felt further from home.

I woke up to sounds in the kitchen, like pots and pans making me stir on the couch and let out groans. With each loud bang of a pot I could hear Patrick say "sorry A.J." making me laugh. As if that didn't fully wake me up, there was a knock at Patrick's door making me panic. He rushed into the living room and mouthed the word "hide" to me. I got up and ran through his house makeing it into his room where I got into his closet which was crowded due to guitars and amps, and pieces of a drum set. I heard talking and after a moment footsteps into the room, I held my breath until the closet door opened.

"You can come out now, its just Joe." Patrick smirked with Joe standing behind him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why is A.J. in your closet?" Joe asked as I came out.

"Its a long story, but you can't tell anyone she's here." Patrick said.

"Does Pete know?" Joe asked with worry in his voice.

"Not yet" Patrick said and then it registered to him what Joe thought was going on here. "I swear it's nothing like that, I'm helping Pete out. I'm hiding her." Patrick tried to explain.

"From what?" Joe asked curiously.

"From the police. She stole a car." Patrick tried to explain once again.

"But its not as bad as it sounds." I introjected making Patrick look at me like I was crazy.

"Its like ten times worse than it sounds." Patrick argued.

"It does found pretty bad so far, but I won't tell anyone your here as long as you tell me this cool story." Joe laughed

"Okay, well my parents took me back yo Michigan so I stole their car and came back" I said as if it was that simple.

"And she has no licence" Patrick added and Joe grimaced at the situation.

"How'd you get the money for gas here?" Joe asked.

"I just did what Pete does." I shrugged again.

"How is this not a big deal to you guys?! What the hell?! That's like burglary, grand theft auto, and like runaway. This is insane!" Joe freaked out on us.

"Chill, its only like a week until she's eighteen and shell just stay hidden here until then." Patrick said.

"How will that help?! She'll just do jail time after that." Joe said.

"Well thanks for your help, Joe." Patrick said sarcastically.

"Welcome, I just came over to see if you heard anything about Pete's situation, but given that he doesn't know about this I'm going to say no. I'm leaving now, practice at five tomorrow." Joe said.

"Got it." Patrick nodded and Joe left.

"Well that definatly made me feel better" I joked to Patrick.

"Forget it. I'm off work today, you wanna watch dome movies?" Patrick asked and I nodded.

Around three Patrick's home phone began ringing scaring the crap out of me. I was still jumpy thinking that the police would find me.

"Its probably just my mom checking in, I'll be back." Patrick said and went into the kitchen to answer the phone. He came back into the living room with the phone still to his ear.

"Yeah, she's here. Yeah." Patrick said smiling at me then he handed the phone to me.

"Its Pete calling from jail, Hillary told him you were here." Patrick whispered as I took the phone from him. My heart beat fast to hear his voice.

"Hey." I smiled and said cheerfully.

"What are you doing?!" I was instead met by Pete's upset voice.

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