Where is your boy tonight?

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At dinner the topic was horrifyingly enough about me, when though given the fact that there was not much to talk about.

"Oh Pete! Do you remember when you were about seven and Autumn was about five and she fell down and scraped her knee? You wouldn't let her mom put the band aid on it, you demanded to do it yourself. you even gave it a little kiss." Dale giggled.

"Yeah mom, I remember" Pete groaned and rolled his eyes as if he has herd that story a thousand times or more.

After dinner Hillary told her parents she would clean up so they could get going to their hotel for the night.

"You girls have fun! Pete, make sure nothing happens!" Mr.Wentz called from the living room before we herd the front floor close.

I sat with Hillary in the kitchen after she had done the dishes.

"Hilly!" Came a squeal from the kitchen door way. Hillary jumped down from her seat on the kitchen counter and put her phone away to hug her friends.

"Gwen!Amber!" She yelled back.

"Sorry, I accidentally let a few sick ugly frogs in." Pete joked now appearing in the door way.

"Shut up Pete! You know, we don't need a baby sitter." Hillary growled at him. I thought I saw Pete glance at me for a moment but by the time I looked he had already looked away.

"Good, I'm out of here" he said then turned around and walked off.

"Who's she?" The brunette of the two girls asked rudely with her arms crossed looking right at me.

"That's just Autumn, she's here for a couple of months or whatever. Our moms are friends." Hillary said.

"Ew. I hope she's not planning on joining us tonight." The blonde one said looking at me disgustedly. I didn't say anything but I got up and walked passed them and went up to my room. I decided to get changed for bed and turn on the TV. I watched a few shows before there was a knock on my bedroom door and Hillary piked her head in.

"Hey, sorry about my friends, they can be kind of mean some times." Hillary said apologetically as she entered my room the rest of the way.

"Its alright, I guess." I said.

"Their really sorry. Why don't you come on down and watch some movies with us? I promise they won't be mean again, we even made you an extra bowl of popcorn." Hillary offered.

"Sure" I agreed and followed her downstairs. I might as well try to make friends while I'm here.

I sat with the girls on the living room floor with pillows and blankets laying all around and Hillary handed me a bowl of popcorn and a glass bottle. I saw that the other girls were drinking one too. I eyed the bottle carefully, I had never drank alcohol and wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"Go on, its fine, we won't get in trouble." Hillary urged. The girls watched me carefully as I opened it and took a drink. It was pretty gross but I hid the disgust from my face as I took another drink.

"Sorry about earlier, we didn't know if you were cool or not. I'm amber." The blonde girl said.

"I'm Gwen. Yeah any girl that's down to have some fun is a friend of ours." The brunette said.

We each went through a couple beers as we watched a movie.

"I'm bored!" Hillary whined.

"Let's play truth or dare." Gwen suggested.

"Fine, but your going first since you suggested it and since Autumn is new she gets to make up the truth or dare." Hillary said.

"Fine, dare." Gwen said bravely. I thought up a good dare.

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