I hope he is a gentleman

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The Wentz parents left again for the night, they said they wouldn't be back until tomorrow after noon. luckily Patrick picked me up before Hillary's drones could arrive.

"You look pretty." Patrick said but I was just wearing the kind of stuff I always did jeans and a T-shirt. But I thanked him any way. We ended up going to a pizza place down town that he assured me I would like.

"So you have a thing for music?" He asked.

"I have a thing for all sorts of things." I shrugged and took another bite of pizza.

"Musically I can play piano, keyboard bass,guitar and drums." I said

"So your a on woman band." He laughed. "I can play drums and I just learned guitar and I can play a little bass. Can you sing?" He asked.

"No, not at all, trust me." I laughed.

"I don't think I'm that great either, but the guys like it."

"I like it too, its original." I said. We ate for a while until Patrick put his hand under the table to hold mine. I looked at Patrick, he was really intelligent for a sixteen year old, who am I kidding? I was still seventeen myself. I liked him he was cute and smart and I liked his musical knowledge and the way he pushed his glasses up sometimes.

We walked up the path to the front door hand in hand. Until we stopped on the porch which was lit up by the porch light.

Patrick looked at me a minute and his cheeks got red.

"You've kissed someone before, right?" He asked not looking directly at me.

"Yeah." I said remembering my boyfriend that lasted a week. "Wait have you?" I asked him.

"No, not-not really." He said awkwardly.

"Well do you want to?" I asked and he

nodded. In seconds his lips were on mine.

"Eww guys! Come on!" Pete said then we were some how stuck in a stream of water that hit mine and Patrick's faces.

"What the fuck Pete!" I yelled at him and he cackled as he dropped the water hose and ran off like a little boy that got caught playing a prank, which was exactly what it was.

"Sorry Patrick." I said looking at a drenched version of him but he still smiled.

"Its okay, are you going to be at band practice with Pete Sunday? Maybe we can plan something else then." He said. I'm not going to lie I was pissed at Pete.

"Yeah hopefully if I don't kill Pete before Sunday." I said we said good bye and I marched inside and one of Hillary's friends began to laugh.

"Fuck off." Was all I said before marching up the stairs angry. When I got into my room I slammed my door behind me. I changed clothes and thought about calling my mom and begging to go home again but I decided to suck it up. A few seconds later there as a knock at my door and I just ignored it.

" I know your in there, I herd your door slam." Pete's voice said from the other side of the door.

"Fuck off!" I repeated for the second time in five minutes.

"It was a joke! I'm sorry! Let me in!" Pete said. I groaned and got up and unlocked my door. And Pete came in and closed the door behind him.

"You just ruined my first date ever." I said.

"Oh. I didn't know. I am really sorry though." Pete's voice was full of guilt.

"That was seriously your first date ever?" He asked as if he didn't believe me.

"Yes! Why? are you going to make fun of me about it? Why are you doing this? You know what?! Your just as bad as Hillary!" I yelled at him.

"No I'm not going to make fun of you! I really didn't know and I said I was sorry. I just saw Patrick sucking all over your face and I didn't know what to do!" He yelled making me confused by the way he worded the last part.

"What? I kissed him Pete, he wasn't sucking all over my face, we weren't making out or anything like that. Besides I didn't say anything when your girlfriend was all over your lap yesterday." I said.

"Is that what this is all about? The girl from yesterday? Is that why your dating Patrick to get even? Do you even like him?"

"No! This is not what this is about! I really like Patrick! He's smart and funny and sweet!" I said.

"And I'm not?! Huh?" Pete yells. Wait, what? I look at him as if a frog has just jumped out of his throat.

"Would you two please shut the fuck up in here?" Hillary said poking her head in the room.

"Fuck off Hillary!" Pete and I said in unison causing her to shut the door again.

"I see what this is now." I said softly.

"Sorry." Pete said rather dramatically and left my room.

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