I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type

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We paid Pete's bail and waited in the waiting area of the jail for Pete to come out.

"Your parents setting you guys up like that reminds me of arranged marriages in like other countries." Patrick said through the strange awkwardness as we sat in the grey plastic chairs of the waiting room.

"I know, its just strange." I said

"Do you really like him or are you just doing this to make your parents happy?" Patrick asked kind of offending me a little.

"Believe me, at this point I feel so betrayed by them I want to do what ever doesn't make them happy." I said maybe a little bit too roughly to Patrick.

"I didn't mean to upset you by my question at all." He said.

"Its fine." I said.

We herd a buzz and a door opened to see Pete walking out in the same black clothes he had on last night. He looked at me with a smirk as our eyes locked and a smile grew big on my face. I jumped out of my seat and ran and jumped right on him. He grabbed me tightly and swung me around in the air for a moment. As he kept me lifted off the ground and into his arms, He looked down at the necklace I was wearing.

"Hey! You found it. I told you it wasn't gross or weird." He laughed. I hugged him tightly again before he put me down.

"Guys, we should probably go to my house and figure out what were going to tell Dale and Peter." Patrick said.

"What? Why?" Pete asked confused.

"They wanted you to do your time." I said.

"They may still get what they want, I have court next week for this. They said I may be looking at up to five years." Pete said making my heart sink.

On the way to Patrick's it was quiet. I just stared out the window sadly. What if Pete did go to jail for five years?

"Okay, so we can get Andy or Joe to pick you up here so it doesn't look suspicious like we got you out of jail." Patrick said to Pete who was sitting quietly at Patrick's kitchen table beside me biting his nails.

"Or you could just tell them. I don't really care anymore, I deserve just as much punishment for this as you." I said still gazing at the wood on the table mindlessly.

"Pete, can we talk a moment?" Patrick asked carefully. I'm pretty sure they were both looking at me but I never looked back. I heard their chairs scoot against the tile floor of Patrick's kitchen. I began to hear whispering coning from the other room, I couldn't make out what was being said though. Maybe I should just give up and go back to Michigan after the summers over. I played with the little heart necklace nervously around my neck.  I heard a single set of footsteps come back into the kitchen.

"Hey" he said. That wasn't a cheerful greeting hey, it was more like a sad hey, or a storm is brewing of thoughts in my mind hey, or an I'm sorry for what I'm about to do hey.

His mess of black hair sat across from me rather than beside me like he just was. I swallowed hard bit still didn't look at him.

"I could of gotten you in so much trouble." Pete began.

"But I didn't get in trouble, I'm fine." I said back in an angry tone for some reason.

"Please look at me" he said, his pleading was hard to refuse. His brown eyes were locked on me sadly but I could also tell he was searching his mind for something. "Autumn Jane, I have always thought you were the most beautiful creature that has ever existed, even when I was little. It makes me sad to see myself now, you are so much more above me. I don't want you to get caught up in the daily mistakes I make. The truth is you'll always be better than me, you'll always deserve more. I'm probably going to go to jail for at least a year and-"

"You don't have to do this" I said and reached both hands behind my neck and unclasped the necklace and tossed it onto the table. Pete's face changed to the kind of hurt one would only experience from being shot.  Pete stared at the necklace a moment before picking it up.

"I'm so sorry." He said sadly. I felt angry, this want fair to me at all.

"No big deal" I shrugged. A car horn honked from outside and Pete sighed and stormed off. If he didn't want to be with me for some stupid reason, that's fine, I didn't need him.

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