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A week went by of Pete teaching me things like how to open different kinds of locks, how to bust in windows and how to make sure people weren't home. It was pretty hard to figure out and confusing, I have to admit I didn't think I was ready when Pete woke me up at one in the morning.

"Put on something like I'm wearing." He said as I got out if bed and looked at him decked out in all black with a backpack on. I did what he asked and he led me out to his car.

"If something ever happens just go to the car, don't wait for me, just go." He said.

"Nothing should go wrong this time, the people that live in this house are on vacation." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked as we pulled into a church parking lot.

"I talked to the girl who lives here with her parents, she's about my age." Pete said and I knew he had done some flirting which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Were going to have to walk to the house, we don't want to park right outside, that would be too painfully obvious." He said. He looked at me for a moment before putting his hand in my face and kissing me softly.

We got out of the car and I followed Pete through an alley to the back of the house.

He reached under a rock and found a spare key. We would definitely have to talk about this later.

We went into the big home silently and Pete and I split up like we had planned. if the police came I could climb out the window up stairs. I looked around for things and I saw a jewelry box full of stuff, a huge was of cash under the bed in the master bedroom.

Once I was done clearing that out, I reached a bright yellow teenagers room and I rolled my eyes, some how I felt like Pete had been in here before. She had a bank full of cash, there was more in the box in her closet striking me as a little odd, maybe she had been saving up for something. I brushed it off and told myself I wasn't Magnum P.I., I was a burglar. I pulled open her dresser drawer to find it was full of condoms which made me snicker but quickly move on. I met Pete back in the living room and we headed back to where our car was parked in the church parking lot.

He looked at His phone as he started the car.

"Sixteen minutes, good time, could be better." He said

"Your the one that parked so far away, that took most of the time." I argued. "How did you know the key was under that rock?" I questioned crossing my arms. He just shrugged.

"Well I'm just saying your little girlfriend is a whore." I said.

"I know. Just in case your wondering, I never slept with her. I have been in her house, but I decided to leave when she said if we were going to do anything I had to pay her." He said. "Little did she know I had my own dirty way of making money too." He grinned.

"So I just assisted you in revenge?" I laughed and he looked over at me and smiled.

When we got back we dumped everything out on his bedroom floor.

"You did good, you got more than me" he said.

"Tomorrow I'll take this to my friend and sell it." He said and I nodded. Tonight was the most thrilling experience of my life and I really liked it.

"Do I get to do this again with you?" I asked.

"We'll see. Right now you should be more worried about getting to bed, its almost four in the morning." He said. I got up off the bedroom floor but Pete grabbed my arm and forced me to bend over to him on the floor. He looked me in the eyes a moment before he leaned in and kissed me. When we broke apart I just walked back to my room. He was odd, or maybe it was both of us.


I woke up to something being thrown on me lightly. I opened my eyes to see Pete standing at the side of my bed grinning and sat up to see a stack of money fall from my chest. My eyes got wide as I picked up the stack of money.

"Almost a thousand." Pete said as he sat down beside me on my bed "it's your half"

"Wow." Was all I managed to say.

"I got another house for us tonight." Pete said and I threw my arms around him making him laugh. "What do you want to do today?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

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