Mismached Nerds

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I woke up to the sunlight pouring through the two small windows. I stretched and then turned on the TV and sat up in the bed and watched it for a while until I herd a knock at my door. I told who ever it was to come in secretly fearing it would be Hillary or someone I didn't want to see today. Pete walked in holding a plate with a fork on it.

"You missed breakfast, and I didn't really think you wanted to be near Hillary for a while...if ever, So I brought you breakfast" he said handing me the plate. I took it and thanked him but he still stood there so I patted the before as an offer for him to sit down.

"So, what do you do for fun around here?" I asked. As I ate and he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Well me personally? I'm in a band, so that kills some time the rest of the time I just write lyrics and stuff down town Chicago is only twenty minutes away, but all that's probably no help to you." He half smiled.

"This is going to be such an exciting two months." I said sarcastically.

"It's super boring around here." He said then looked over at me.

"Hey, you are still wearing my shirt." He said in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm still offering it back if you want it." I said.

"No, It seriously looks super cool on you, it actually fits too. I'm just surprised you slept in it and didn't just take it off before you went to bed or something." He said.

"Why would I do that?" I asked eyeing him just noticing his tattoos coming through the short sleeves of his tight black shirt.

"I don't know, It probably smells kind of gross from me wearing it all day yesterday." He shrugged. I lifted up my armpit and sniffed then shrugged just like he just did.

I liked the way it smelled but I didn't say that.

"Its cool." Was all I decided to say making him smile and let out a short, one syllable chuckle

"Your pretty cool, I don't even see why you would of wanted to hang out with Hillary and her followers last night." He said.

"I need to make some friends, besides I thought since I had to spend two months here I might as well try to be social. So much for that. I like your tattoos by the way." He looks down at them as if he had forgotten he had them.

"Thanks. You definitely don't belong in Hillary's group though. How about I take you some where where you would fit in a bit more later?" He asked.

"Sure. But I don't think I would fit in anywhere." I laughed.

"You'd be surprised. My friends and I are all just a bunch of missed matched nerds." He said.

"That sounds pretty magical." I said."I'll totally go." I said.

"I'll be back around four or five to get you, okay?" He said getting up off my bed. I told him I would see him later and he took my empty plate as he left. I watched more TV for god knows how long before I got bored with it and decided to get a shower and get dressed.


After my shower I slipped on some skinny jeans my chucks, a white t-shirt. I put my long sandy blondish-brown hair in a pony tail then changed out my silver stud nose ring for a black one looking over the slight freckles on the bridge of my nose hoping I wouldn't get anymore this summer. I walked down stairs and quickly went out the door and began to walk down the street that I barely remembered. I only had yo walk a block to get where I wanted to be. I looked at the place where my old house once stood, the one I was born in. The house was now replaced by a newer one that looked noting like my old light blue one. The tall oak tree still stood out front hovering over the home. I herd a car honk and realized I was just standing there in the middle of the road and probably blocking someone's way.

"Get in" Pete's voice shouted from the car. I went to the passengers side of the old Black Honda Civic with a hatch back and got in.

"I thought you said you'd get me at three?" I questioned making him laugh.

"Its three thirty, what have you been doing all day?" He asked through his laughter. What have I been doing all day? I shrugged.

"TV, shower." I answered.

"Shit girl! How long are your showers? I need to know because we share the same bathroom."

"I don't really pay attention." I said.

"Well at least the time in there wasn't used in vain, you look nice." He smiled

"Thanks, by the way my stuff is now officially in our bathroom so there's crap everywhere." I said.

"You're kidding! Now I have a ton of girly crap in my bathroom?" He said and I laughed "just kidding, I don't really care."

"I'm just hoping you don't steal my stuff." I teased.

"I totally will." He said Laughing a bit and I honestly couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"You wouldn't" I said not believing him.

"Yeah, I would, ask Hillary. I get into her shit all the time" he said and I laughed.

"Then I guess I'll have to steal yours too." I shrugged.

"It's a deal Autumn."

" By the way no one calls me that anymore. This past day or so Has been the most I've been called Autumn in a long time."

"Well what do you go by now?" He asked.

"AJ" I said

"How very tom-boy of you." He grinned "I still like Autumn though." He looked at me as if reading my face. "Nervous?" He asked and I nodded as we pulled up to a white house about the size of Pete's but with a tire swing and a large tree at the edge of the yard.

"Don't be, their cool dudes. This is my buddy Patrick's place by the way." He said. We got out and I followed him up the walk way and he went in the front door like he lived there. We walked down some stairs in the kitchen leading to a living room/basement area with couches, a pool table and instruments with guys behind them.

"Guys, this is my friend AJ" he said calling me by the name I had told him in the car "and she's pretty much the coolest chick ever." Pete announced and the three dudes just stared at me.

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