happy birthday.

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Hey guys, I don't even know what to think of all of this, I can't believe this story has as may reads or votes as it does and I'm appreciative for every last one. I suddenly have people messaging me and telling me how much they love my stories and I have no idea what to do about it. It's just wonderful that you guys stick around chapter after chapter. I'll try not to disappoint you and I just wanted to say you guys make me smile.

"What?" I asked Pete confused.

"You shouldn't have done all of that, stealing your parents car and crossing a bunch of States is serious!" He said loudly. I felt like crying by this point, I thought he would be happy.

"But you were going to-" I began but he cut me off.

"It was stupid of me, we both should of just waited the week." He said.

"I-I'll just go home then" I said as I felt the tears slip out of my eyes then I handed the phone back to Patrick and ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me and started crying on the side of the bathtub. The gold necklace felt heavy around my neck reminding me it was still there. I unclasped it and threw it to Patrick's bathroom floor. Pete had seriously hurt my feelings, just like he always does.

Patrick came into the bathroom a few minutes later and quietly sat down beside me on the side of the bathtub.

"He said he's sorry for yelling at you and stuff. He loves you, he just doesn't want you to end up in as much trouble as he's in." Patrick said softly.

"I thought he would be happy I was back. I went through so much trouble to get here, to get to him and he yells at me. He always does this, he always finds a way to piss me off Patrick. I understand he's worried about me getting into trouble, but did he have to yell at me?" I sobbed.

"Half the time, I swear I know what he's even thinking." Patrick said "are you really going to go back home?" He asked.

"No, I've come too far." I admitted.

"I wouldn't either. Let's just make it through the week and maybe it will get better okay?" Patrick asked and my eyes met his sympathetic face. I couldn't help but hug him and he hugged back just as tight as I hugged him.

The week droned by and Patrick and I made plans for what my next move would be. Pete had tried calling a few nights but I refused to talk to him, Patrick said he had even resorted to begging one night.

"Hello? Aj? Wake up." I heard Patrick's voice whisper from somewhere near me. My eyes fluttered open to see him sitting on his coffee table about a foot away from where I was sleeping on the couch with an acoustic guitar on his lap. Once he saw my eyes open he began to play and sing happy birthday in the most playful and silly way possible making me laugh.

"Thanks Patrick" I laughed once he was done making him smile.

"No problem birthday girl. How's it feel being two years older than me today?" Patrick joked.

"My bones already ache" I said finally sitting up on the couch.

"Oh hey, I have some good news that you aren't going to believe." Patrick said. I waited silently for his answer.

"Your parents have their car back, they aren't going to press any charges. It's all over now. Hillary called and told me earlier."

My jaw dropped and I began to squeal out of excitement and joy, I jumped up and down and hugged Patrick making him laugh. "And Mrs. wentz wants you to go straight out and get your ID today and she said you could put her house as your address and stay there until you got a job and a place, but you could always stay here another week or so too." Patrick said.

"I don't really want to bother you anymore than I already have" I said.

"No, its book having you here, beats being alone. Besides I can take you to get your ID, and to look for a job or whatever, it will be fun." Patrick said.

"Sounds good." I agreed.

After I got my new ID card saying I was an Illinois resident, I didn't even notice when we pulled up to the Wentz house.

"I thought you wanted me to stay with you?" I asked.

"I do, just visiting. They want to see you" Patrick smiled at me. It felt good to feel like I had an actual family who wanted me there. Patrick and I walked through the door and I was met with something that scared me so bad I quickly gripped onto Patrick.

"Happy birthday "Autumn!" Everyone shouted and Patrick laughed at my scaredness, he knew about this.

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