1. Everything happens for a reason

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Hello everyone I'm Taylor and welcome to my book please enjoy :)
I woke up in a daze, My mind was groggy. I pulled myself out of bed. Pain filled it. I wobbled over to the old coffee machine, hitting start. I fumbled over my cat, Mittens. "Fuck," I mumbled. I finally made it back up. I remember last night. That was one party. I digged into the closet finding aspirin, Popping a few in my mouth. I think, I hooked up with someone, but like always they were gone. I needed to stop having these one night stands, but i'm to drunk to realize. I wasn't really a big drinker but lately it's all I can do. I Then slipping into the shower, letting the warm water run down me. Washing my brunette hair. I slipped out of the shower, then wrapped a towel around me. I put on a short-sleeved shirt that had Pierce the veil logo on it. Me, and Vic met a few years ago. We've been friends ever since. I haven't seen him in a while from him being on tour. He's the only one i've been able to be myself around. I walked in the kitchen giving mittens a last squeeze. I looked in the fridge, still no food. I walked out the door, getting into my small blue car, and drove to the store. Finally arriving the store, I walked in quietly. since i'm vegetarian things on my list were restricted. Grabbing the last thing on my list. I heard yelling.

"Oli you idiot," He laughed out.

I cringed hearing that name. That was the name of the boy, who left me for a slut. He shattered my heart. I've never been the same. He said things weren't right, and that he moved on. Then the next week he was dating a total slut. My ex best friend. I glared at the shelves.

"Oli, your spilling in everywhere," He laughed again.

"Well stop moving," I heard someone say.

I froze that voice so familiar. No it can't be. My heart sunk. I looked over to see. It was Oliver. The boy who broke my heart, so long ago. I gasped. Oli looked back. I hid behind the counter. My heart sunk. Tears filled my eyes. This can't be happening. I looked up to see if he was gone. No he was still there, His eyes that's used to be filled with passion, were now filled with sorrow. He tried to say my name but failed. I sprinted towards the door. driving home as fast as I could. I don't think he followed me out of the store. I was so mad I didn't even get a chance to grab my groceries. I walk in and lay on my bed. My mind roaming. All the memories flooding back in my head.


"Oli," I make a stronger British accent. I had one, but not as thick at his. I repeat his name again, making a pouty face. He turns my way, and smiles. His smile was perfect, My stomach fluttered. He sits down on the bed. I then crawl onto his lap.

"Your just flawless," Oli says, stroking my blonde hair. I blush.

"But, I can't be with you," He says pushing me off of him.

"No Oliver I love you!" I yell. His voice echoing.

I scream. Then BOOM- What, where am I? I was in the middle of the woods.
"Help!" I yell.

"Nobody's going to save you," Oliver whispers. He walks by the edge of the cliff. "Nobody can save us," His words faint. He then walks right leaving my stuck in my tracks.

"NO OLIVER!" I scream.

OLIVER! What? I wake up sweating, and crying. Mittens runs off my bed. I look at clock, My vision still at a blur it read 4:30. I slowly fall back asleep.


"Oli, You idiot," Mattew laughed.

I was still half asleep, trying to hold my coffee with my unsteady hands. I rolled my eyes. Walking further down the store, looking for aspirin. I stopped at the end of it, scanning the rows of medicine. I grabbed it reading the label. Found it, good. I kept walking.

"Oli your spilling it everywhere," Mattew laughed again.

"Well stop moving," I say trying to hand it to him.

I felt someone watching me. I turned around revealing a girl staring right at me. She looked so frightened, her whole body shaking. She then hid behind the counter, guessing she thought I didn't see her? A fan maybe? She then peeked up. Her eyes filled with tears, and pain. Then it hit me, My body going numb. It can't be? I tried to say her name but was to speechless. She went sprinting, right out the door. I reached my hand out. I tried to yell but nothing came out. I dropped to my knees, My coffee falling, rolling on the floor. My tears stung with tears.

"Hey, man you good?" Lee asked me.

I nod. Getting back to my feet. My body felt weak. We bought the medicine, and left the store. Yes she was gone no sign of her at all. I don't know why, I was so upset. I'm the one who left her, it was guilt. Leaving her was the worst thing I've ever done. Her perfect skin. Her long blonde hair. Her hazel eyes, My heart sunk to my stomach. She looked so different, her long blonde hair wasn't blonde it was a dark brunette with Tattoos on her arms, Piercing plus gauges. It was so long ago. My head throbbing. I popped in a couple pills leaning back. We have only a couple days until the next concert. I don't want to. I'm not in the mood. I drifted, Thinking about everything.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora