10. I can't save myself How can I save her.

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Oliver's P.O.V

I try to call Bella, but there's no answer. Anxiety runs through me. Calm down she will call you back. It's been about two weeks since we spoke. I pace around the room wanting her to call me back. I mope over to the fridge, and grab another beer. I was on my last pack. I needed to go get more. Actually no I really didn't. I let the liquid run down my throat. The glass was still on the floor shattered. It feels like all of this has been a dream, one big dream. I know it's not. This is reality. The time has seemed to slip away. I run my hand through my hair.

four beers later I sit at the edge of my bed staring at the wall. I've called Bella about five times, and am starting to get worried. The air has thickened. I get up, and throw my shoes on. I then run out the door. I drive fast, hoping not too get pulled over. My vision was hazy. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion, even though I was going over eighty. When I pulled in the driveway the lights were still on. I run over to the door, and knock. No answer, only the sound harsh wind. I knock once more. No answer. Dammit Bella. I try to open it, but of course it's locked. I start to panic. I Iift my leg and let it collide with the door. Nothing. I do it agian putting all my force in. The door swings opens. I run in and see something I could never forget. My Bella laying unconscious on the floor, with her wrists red with dried blood. MY body goes numb. Bella! I scream and run to her. I pick her up, and sprint out the door. Tears falling from my eyes. I lay her down in the car. I rip part of my flannel, then wrap It around her small wrists. I drive fast, everything going in slow motion yet again. I was going over ninety, rushing to the hospital. I checked her pulse, and it was still there, faint but there.

"Don't die on me Bella!" I scream.

The only thing that made what to live was dieing. My heart sunk to my stomach. I wanted this to be a dream one big dream. I want things to be back when we were sixteen roaming through the woods. The sound of the birds, and the sweet smell of the fresh air, but no It was almost eight years later, and shes close to death in the back of my car.

Deathbeds all I see is you...

Bella's P.O.V

Darkness, The only thing I could see. My vision still at a blur. Where was I? I scream out for someone but no one answers. I walk, my breathing heavy. I then see a faint light.

"Hello?" I chant out my voice echoeing. I start runnig to the light. I feel weak. My body slows down, and I start walking again. I try to run, but my body won't let me. I start sinking into the floor, and the light fades.

"HELP!" I scream. I keep screaming, as I sink slowly into the floor. I then feel myself falling the harsh wind hitting my face. That one time I feel something for a change. I keep falling, and just silently cry. I then remember what happened which send shivers down my spine. Then light comes on. I look at my wrists and there still bleeding heavily. Maybe I don't want to die.

Oliver's P.O.V

sadness over whelms me. I'm waiting in the lobby, waiting for a answer to see if my Bella is dead. I Tried to call Vic, But he rejected the call. I can't believe he would be like this to Bella. I put my head in my hands, and let out a deep breath. I was a little bit tipsy driving to see Bella, but now I'm sober. A girl hat looks around seventeen-ish Glances at me every five minutes. I blame this all on myself. I'm so stupid, I'm so blind. Now all I could do is wait, wait for my fate.


It's been about an hour and a half of waiting. I then hear Mrs. knight? I jolt up and run to the desk.

"She's okay but we don't know when she will wake up," She simply states.

I feel grateful for her not dying, But they won't know when she will wake up? She asks me to follow her too the room, and I do. I walk in to the cold hospital room. There lays Bella with all types of wires going into her fragile body, with clothe wrapped gently around both wrists. Her skin is more pale than ever before. He hair lays messy on the pillow. I grab a chair, and put it right next to her bed. I grab her freezing hand, and interlock it with mine.

"Thank you for not leaving me" I simply say, and fall asleep holding her hand.


It's the next day, and Bella hasn't moved an inch. Her weak body still lays there. Vic called me back, and I told him everything. He should be here any minute.

"OH MY GOD BELLA," He runs into the room.

He stands in front of her. Crying his eyes out. I stay quiet. Listing to the sound of the clock ticking.

"Can you give me a moment," He says. All I do is nod, and walk out the door. I pace around the hallway for a good thirty minutes. I bite on my nails which are now practically gone. Shes need to wake up I need to see her bright smile. My breathing is slow, I wanted to scream and break everything in sight. Bella dosen't deserve any of this. Her brother, her mom. Everything. The hospital was cold, and vacant. I sit against the wall with my head buried in my knees.


"Oli," She giggles as I run faster to get her. She looked beautiful. Her blonde hair flowing in the wind. With that smile, You could see it from miles away. Shes flawless, and I want her to be with me forever. The fresh air felt nice on my skin.

"OLI! stop chasing me," She laughs even harder. She tumbles into the soft green grass. I run and jump right next too her. I look over at her, she peacefully watching the clouds drift in the sky.

"This is perfect," She says, Her accent rolling off her tounge.

"This?" I question.

"Yes, The perfect day with the perfect person,"

My stomach had butterflies in it. I wanted this moment to last forever.

*End of flashback*

I slip away from my thoughts as I see Vic slowly walking out of the room. My body felt weak. What was Vic doing in there? I get back to my feet, and walk in the room.

This is going to be a long night. Bella wake up. I need you. I want you.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora