18. I'm already dead

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"So where do we start?" I question.

I then hear a door open. I got quiet. Jacob was standing in front of the door. Tears filled my eyes.

"Miss me?" He hisses.

I sit there, frozen in place. I held my breath not wanting to make noise.

"Bitch," He growled, kicking me in the stomach. I kept my mouth closed not wanting to satisfy him with my pain. He kicks me again. A tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't feel anything anymore. Something hit my face with force, but my vision was hazy. The minutes felt like hours, as he finished with a last kick to the ribs. He mumbled something under his breathe. I lied there on the cold floor. I tried to get up but it was no use.

"You okay?" Rebecca said in a sad tone.

"Yeah i'm fine," I coughed.

I sat my self up against the wall. There was blood on the ground.

"I've helped you," She whispered.

"How?" I choke out.

"You'll see soon dear," She sighed. I sat there, all I wanted to do was get out of this hell hole of a place. My breathing was jagged. I felt weak, and confused. Maybe shes the one in my head?

"Can I ask a question," I mumbled out.

"Of course," She says.

"Are you real?" I say.

She sighs. "I'm as real as you make me," She explained.

I knew it. I'm going insane. I'm talking to nobody.


Oliver's P.O.V

Anger went through me.

"What would you know?" I sneered.

She looked at her feet like she was nervous. She then looked up, and did something I couldn't believe. She crashed her lips into mine. The sad part of it, there was no sparks. I felt nothing just disgust. I pulled away fast.

"No Lisa stop," I hissed.

I backed up not caring what she had to say.

"I don't care what you have to say, just go away," I said walking back into the bus.


Drink after drink I go. Two weeks. The love of my life has been gone for two heart breaking weeks. The time has dragged by slower than I have ever imagined. I've looked, and called everyone I could. She's no where to be found. I lose everything I care most about. Jordan goes out everyday looking for her, but the end is the same. She doesn't come back with him. I've starting to get nightmares of her. She was being locked in a room being beaten. I couldn't make out the face that was hurting my sweet Bella, it was blurry. I was crying again. I take another shot of the whiskey, the burning sensation running down my throat. I throw the bottle to the ground. I'm at my house since warp is over. I roll on my bed, and all I have in my mind is Bella. Her beautiful face. I blame this on me, if only I didn't let her walk out that door. Viper has been a mess to since I told her. I get up trying to act more sober than I am. I open the front door. The crisp August air hitting me. The cold weather made me shiver.

I needed to get my mind off if this, but how? I decided to go see Tom since he said he was doing better. I feel like an awful brother for not helping him as much as I should of, my breathe is shaky. Now I know how he feels, losing someone just like that. I shove my icy hands into my pockets, walking to Toms.


I knocked on the white door, tapping my foot. There was no answer. I started to get anxious, suddenly the door opened with a tired looking Tom.

"What?" He muttered.

He looked horrible. His hair was messed up, Hasn't shaved in days.

"I wanted to talk," I barely let out. It felt like, I haven't talked in years.

"About what Oliver, you have a problem and is now willing to talk to me," He says.

I stood there tears filling my eyes.

"I need you," I sigh.

He looks at the floor, my eyes wide waiting for an answer.

"Come in Oliver," Those are the three simple words that come out of his mouth. I walk into his house, looking around seeing broken and smashed things covering the ground. I sit on the couch, slowly taking deep breathes.

"Bella- She's gone," I weakly say. Tom's head springs up.

"No," He mutters. I still couldn't believe it either. How she is actually gone. It's hurt saying it out loud.

"Mate, I'm so sorry," His eyes still hollow with no emotion.

He still is there for me. My little brother is still there for me, even though I wasn't for him.


We caught up a little bit. I told him he can't dwell on it for long. I Left his house, and decided to go to the bar. The smell of alcohol hit me as, I walked in. I asked for a beer, and sat down looking around. I rub my eyes realizing how tired, I was.

"Um hey," I turn around revealing a girl with long jet black hair, and piercing green eyes.

"Hi," I muttered sitting up straight.

"I saw you here all alone," She says.

She was beautiful, but not even close to Bella.

"Can I sit?" She asks with a smile.

I nod as she slides into the seat across from me.

"So what's your name?" She asks me.


Bella's P.O.V

It's been fucking two weeks and still nobody has helped me. The voice was a fucking lie. I have no strength anymore. I'm soon going to die. The fact is I don't care anymore. The thought of dying doesn't matter to me anymore. I can barely open my eyes now. I can crawl, but walking is no longer something, I can do.

I don't know the time nor the day. I miss Oliver, his arms wrapped around me. His scent that drives me crazy. The thought of him brings a painful smile to my face. I haven't seen Jacob lately which makes me feel better. I hear the door swing open from someone.

"Speaking of the devil," I whisper.

They walk down the steps.

"Uh where are they?" Someone mumbles to there self.

That didn't sound like Jacob?

The door swings open. My eyes widen.

"Bella?!" Kian yells.

He runs to me, lifting me up slightly. I wrap my arms around him.

"Kian," I cry.

I've been saved, i'm not going to die.


Sorry for such a shitty chapter,I've just had a bad week.It's getting better though.thanks for Reading.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora