13. Leave

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"Jacob?" I whisper. My heart has dropped to my stomach and my palms are sweaty.

"Bella?" I hear Oliver ask from behind me.

"Your finally home," He smirks getting of the couch. "Who is he!"

Oliver gets in front of me, pushing me back a little.

"Bella who the hell is he?" Oliver says.

"My ex," I choke out.

The air was thick.

"Not ex still together," He raises his voice.

"Were not together Jacob," I sneer.

He then pins me to the wall screaming bloody murder. My body was weak. I felt my self getting tired. I then feel weight being lift off of me. I shuffle, trying to get my balance. Oliver punches Jacob in the jaw, as he lets out a shriek. Oliver then get punched in the nose, blood spews out like a faucet.

"Oliver!" I scream.

I try to get in between them, but it's no use. I tumble right down. They keep fighting trading punches. Oliver gets Jacob to the ground punching him repeatedly. I run, and push him off of Jacob. Jacob mumbles under his breath, and darts out the door.

"Oliver," I cry out.

"I'm fine," He pants. He was lying. his nose was bleeding, and his lip was busted. He also got punched in the stomach more than once. I run up getting Ice for him. He gets up, and slowly sits on the couch.

I finished fixing up his face. He takes off his shirt, revealing deep purple bruises.

"Oliver I'm so sorry," I whisper.

"Don't be sorry," He sighs, wrapping his arms around me. I return the hug. It was so wrong, but felt so right. I was beyond tired by this point.

"Are you sure your okay?" He asks me.

I nod.

"You going to stay here?" I asked. It was already nine, so I decided to ask.

"Yeah, If it's okay with you," he says.

I say yes, and we decided to watch a movie to calm us both down. We both agreed on Jurassic park. It was the movie we watched together, when we were dating. All the memories, that I've pushed back for years are being relived. Oliver gives me a big smile, as we sit on the couch watching the movie. I dozed off into a perfect sleep, with Oliver by my side.

Oliver's P.O.V

We finally got to Bella's house, and I was ready to go to sleep right there. I haven't got sleep at all lately. My mind was still groggy, as she unlocks the door. I was confused when I heard Bella say Something like Jacob. Who was Jacob?

"Bella?" I quickly say.

A guy a little buffer than me walks off the couch and in front of us.

"Your finally here," he says. "Who is he!"

He was getting angry, and I knew this wasn't going to end well. I push Bella back, putting her behind me.

"Bella who the hell is he?" I ask.

"My ex," She barely lets out.

"Not ex still together," He yells.

"Were not together Jacob," She spats.

That's when everything stopped going in slow motion, He moves behind me, and pushed Bella against the wall. Anger bubbled through me. I grab Jacobs shoulder throwing him off of her. I reach my fist out, punching him in the jaw. He shrieks stepping back. My fist throbbing, my mind cloudy. He then connects his fist to my nose, hearing a crack, I stumble back trying to catch my breath. I hear Bella scream my name. The anger was steaming out of me. She tries to get in between us, she fails tumbling down once again. We keep trading punches, and my stomach was fucked. I finally get him to the ground, punching him repeatedly letting out all my anger. His face was a bloody mess. Bella then pushes me off of him with all force. He then runs out of the house.

"Oliver!" She cries.

"I'm fine," I pant out. My body was shaking, piercing pains going through my body.


She fixes up my face, and gets ice. I'm beyond tired, and my breathing was slow.

"Oliver I'm sorry," He whispers.

"Don't be sorry," I sigh, wrapping my arms around her, she melts into the hug. Her body warm. I asked her if she was okay, all I get is a nod from her. I was shocked when she asked if I was staying over. I say yes if it's okay with you. She said yes, and asked if we should watch a movie. She found a movie, which was my favorite. She puts on Jurassic park. My body still ached. We sit down on the couch, and I give her a big smile. She cuddles into my side, falling into a perfect slumber. She looked so beautiful sleeping. I eventually dozed off, my mind roaming.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora