2. The pain comes back.

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Here's a picture of Viper :)
I sighed looking at the clock. Two-o'clock? Already. I pick up my phone, and dial Vics number. It rings a few times then click.

"Hey beautiful whats up?" I hear Vics voice.

"Nothing, really just missed you," I say twirling my hair.

"Well, That's good to hear, cause im on my way to your apartment," He laughs.

"REALLY- VIC I LOVE YOU SO MUCH," I yelled in to the phone.

"See you soon love," He says hanging up the phone. I was so excited to see him, It's been almost six months. Now I know what your thinking, and no we are not dating. hes just my best friend in the world. We tried the whole dating thing, but it never really felt right. I never could really date someone after Oli, I cringe thinking about him. I can't believe I saw him today. He looked different. His lip ring was no longer there, and his hair wasn't as long as it was. I look around my room, trying to find something decent. Vic still had a minor crush on me, so looking good always tortured him. I found myself pacing. I shook my head, This was really getting to me. Seeing him brought back all the memories. KNOCK KNOCK- I heard loud knocking at my door.

"One minute!" I yell.

I start walking towards the door, but he opens it. He holds out his hands. I run, and jump into his muscular arms, Wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I've miss you so much," He whispers through my hair.

I nod squeezing him harder. He let's me go, and looks at me with a concerned look.

"What's up," His big brown eyes look me in the eyes.

I sigh, sitting on the couch. Vic followed right behind me. We sit in silence for a couple of mintues.

"It's been hard," I whisper.

He scoots closer to me, Wrapping his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest.

"I saw Oli," I choke on my words.

I told Vic about Oli, I burned most of our pictures, so I was never able to show him pictures of us.

"Really?" Vics eyes worried.

"He recognized me, even with my tattoos, hair and piercing," I say.

"What was his name?" He asks me.

I hestitate, "Oliver scott sykes," My words slow.

He freezes, His whole body tensed.

"I see," He says, trying to sound relaxed.

"Why do you seem nervous?" I sit up, looking up at him.

"I'm not," He coughs, and scratches the back of his head.

"Ok, sure," I say.

Silence filled the room, Vic sighed. The thing about me, and Vics silence is that it wasn't akward. All it was is peacful. I then hear buzzing.

"What now," Vic mumbled under his voice. He picked the phone up. "What, now? Fine, fine bye,"

"It's fine, i'll text you later," I say with a fake smile. We both get up, Vic hugs me giving me a kiss on the forehead before heading out the door. I ran to my room, and opened my fairly new laptop. I type Oliver Sykes on Google images. So many pictures of him. I gasp, Looking at all the pictures. He was still perfect, His brown eyes sparkle, His tattoos, and my favorite one was the rose on his neck. His cheek bones, everything. I slam my laptop down. Tears tearing at my eyes. Fucking pointless. My phones rings. It was viper, been my best friend for awhile.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Heyy Bella, So I got concert tickets, and since you birthdays soon," She said.

"Sure, When is it?" I mumbled.

"Tomorrow," Viper said.

"Got it," I said, and hung up.

My stomach rumbled. I forgot, I haven't ate in a couple days. I don't eat much, It's not that I think i'm fat, I just can't. Its probably because of the depression. I have a bad case of it, Fuck I cant believe I saw Oli. He's probably have had many girlfriends by now. I mean look at him. I started fancying him When I was 15, He was so nice, and caring, But then he crushed my heart, wanker. I threw my pillow across the room in frustration. I closed my eyes, and went to sleep.


Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora