21. I need some time

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Oliver's P.O.V

Who would be calling? I look at my phone, mm unknown caller? "Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Is she okay?" A voice asks.
"Who is this?" I asked, they sounded like a man.
"I asked if she was okay," The man said more stern. I knew they were talking about Bella.
"She is fine," I said unsteady. The line dropped and all I heard was ringing from the other end.
I shake it off laying back down. My eyelids falling.
I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, guessing Bella's at work. She's been really serious about work and wanting to go back to college. My eyes burn for some reason as I clumsily walk down the steps into the kitchen.
"Oliver," Someone said to me. I turned on the coffee machine
"Yes?" I said not turning around.
"How are you feeling?" I turned around revealing Jordan, him and I haven't spoke in about a month now.
"I'm fine," I said keeping it straight forward not wanting to escalate the conversation any further.
"Are you sure?" He spoke.
Bella's P.O.V
"Thanks for taking me out to lunch," I thanked Kian.
Kian invited me and Viper to lunch a couple days ago, and I can't say no to free lunch so.
"Yeah thanks," She smiled at Kian.
I elbowed her in the ribs giving her a wink and she started laughing until she turned red. I'm so glad to have this back, hanging around with some of my best friends. I missed it more than anything. I'm happy, actually happy.
"Viper your going to hurt yourself," Kian laughed. We all decided to go for a walk and now Viper is trying to achieve climbing a tree that has fallen over slightly. I just stand back admiring the nature, fresh air is nice.
"So Oliver's not mad at you for just leaving this morning?" Kian asked.
"Well he wasn't a wake so I assumed it was fine," I said casually.
"I told you, you'd fall," Kian shook his head.
We walked for another hour before Viper started complaining that she was tired. We dropped her off and it was time for Kian to take me to my house.
"Ready for snow?" He asked not looking at me. I glared.
"No, I hate the cold," I hissed.
"Haha, I knew that," He laughs to himself.
He drops me off at home and I thank him for everything. My body was so exhausted and it was only a bit past three.
"Where have you been?" Oliver's voice was dry.
"I was out with Viper," I say setting my purse on the leather couch.
He said down and pressed his lips into a line.
"You were with him, that Kian guy," He said with no emotion.
"Yes him too, is there a problem?" I asked confused.
"No just you've been around him a lot lately," He smirks.
I laugh a little. "Is little Oli jealous?"
He just glares at me and walks away. "Oliver, come here I have an idea," I say hoping he would walk out.
"And what is that?" He grins.
Oliver's P.O.V
Bella started to drive. She said she wanted to show me a place.
"So where is this place?" I ask looking over at her beautiful face.
"My job," she says.
"The tattoo place?" I ask confused why were going.
"Yes, I want to practice on your arm or something since you know," She gestured at my arms filled with tattoos.
"Practice on me?" I stated wondering if this was a good idea.
"Yes don't be scared I have some artistic talent," She defended herself.
I just laughed as I looked out the window it was foggy from the condensation forming around the edges.
"This cold weather is going to be the death of me, I swear," Bella sighs. I chuckle and put my hand on her thigh.
We drove for a couple more minutes Talking about anything, enjoying our time. We finally made it to the shop and Bella ran her way inside.
"Oliver I want you to meet Hannah," She says with a smile.
I I turned around revealing a girl a little short than Bella with her black hair and piercing eyes. I stood and stared for a minute.
"Hello?" Hannah said putting her hand out.
"Oh sorry," I say while shaking her hand. It was so small compared to mine.
"So Oliver said I could practice on him," Bella explained. I just let her talk and blab on about how she is excited about the art in all of this etc. I dazed off thinking about what's happening in my life at the moment. Nothing that's all I could think of. I'm just mindlessly living my life with no excitement recently. I started to write a new song but I think it's going nowhere. I wanted to do something, go somewhere anything. I don't want to wake up and repeat everything over and over again. I then felt Bella drag me over to the chair.
Hannah's P.O.V
He walked in, Oliver Sykes. I have heard a couple of his song and heard a bit about him but never though he would be so. I don't know? Good Looking I should say. I felt his eyes on me while Bella spoke to me and I felt like he could see right fucking through me. He started to look at the ceiling as I   reach my hand out.
"Hello?" My voice squeaked.
"Oh sorry," He said while taking my hand into his and giving a gently shake. His hands were enormous compared to my small ones, but both of our hands matched closely to one another from all the tattoos lining each of them. I gave him a slight smile until Bella started talking to me again. To my surprise I've never seen a girl so excited to tattoo, it's like she wouldn't stop taking about the art of it and how she could change things as it is. None of it made sense to me, Oliver caught my attention once again as he looked down. Looked like he was thinking and didn't look pleasing, as if he was worried. He didn't seem to listen or even act like she was there. She finally finished and drug Oliver over to the empty chair.
"So you think your ready?" I asked nervous for Oliver.
She nodded her head and got out everything she needed to.
I bit my lip as she started the tattoo.
"You better not make this look stupid," He sighed.
It took about fifteen more minutes until Bella finally announced she was done. I looked down at the tattoo, it was actually really good it was in the one space that hasn't been used up yet. It was a lock? A lock. She then put up her sleeve. There was a key on the other wrist.
"I didn't think putting our names on each other was the best thing to do so I went to this," She smile.
I clapped and Oliver smiled at her. There was something about Oliver that I couldn't figure out.

A/N GUYS IM GOING TO BE EDITING SO SOME THINGS MIGHT CHANGE A LITTLE. Just don't worry they are going to be minor, and I'm adding back the chapter that got deleted which will be chapter 5 thanks for votes and reads 💘

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora