17. Time stands still

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The sadness is coming back.

"Oliver?" I ask him with a blank expression.

"Yes?" He says resting his head on top of mine.

"I need to take a walk, and get some fresh air," I say.

"Are you sure it's okay with you by yourself," he mutters.

I nod, walking out the door. The night wind blowing through my hair. I take a deep breathe. The exhaustion overwhelms me. I cut near an alley way to get home quicker. I then hear footsteps behind me. Without looking behind me, I began to walk faster. The footsteps becoming faster as well. This is not happening. I run as fast as my feet allow me. I feel someone pull my hair, dragging me down. Tears roll down me.

"Found you bitch," I hear a girls voice hiss behind me.

I black out. It's funny how I can't have a single day without something fucking it up.


I feel myself being bumped around. The headaches was making my body dizzy. I open my eyes but it's just black. My arms tied behind my back. I back up trying to find my phone in my pocket. The bump that used to be my phone was no longer there. I'm going to die. Whoever took me is going to kill me. I sit there no knowing where, i'm going. The car eventually comes to a harsh stop, making me tumble across the vehicle. What I think are doors swing open.

"She's awake," A husky voice says.

I try to back up, but strong arms dig into me dragging me out. I kick and scream. It's all useless. I get thrown into a room. My arms hits the wall making me scream in pain. Someone lifts up my blind fold with a evil grin.

"No!" I cry.

---Oliver's P.O.V---

I look down at the clock on my phone. Bella's been gone a while. I dial her number. The annoying voice mail came on. I started to get anxious.

"Oi! Have you seen Bella?" I asked the other mates.

They all shake their head. My stomach flipped. I run outside. I run down all the nearby streets screaming her name. I had tears falling everywhere. I walk down the alleyway searching. I look to see something of Bella's. The bracelet I got her last month.

"Oh my god Bella," I whisper.

I call the others. Telling them that Bella's gone. My body feels weak. This is all my fault. I knew I shouldn't of let Bella go off like that. I walk back up to the bus.

"I don't know what to do!" Jordan screamed. I knew Jordan would be more upset. Bella and Jordan have been becoming close lately. My eyes hurt, as I walk in. The bus was quiet except for the sound of Jordan's foot rapidly hitting the floor. I thought about where she would be, but my mind was cloudy. I wanted her in my arms, her sweet smell.

"Were gonna look early in the morning for her," Jordan said.

I sighed. My eyes were tired. I lay in the bunk, not feeling Bella's small body. I silently cried until I eventually fell asleep. I constantly kept waking up. I would start panicking when I didn't see Bella, but remembered that she's not with me. The night was long.

"Bella please be okay," I whisper.

--Bella's P.O.V--

I was terrified when, I saw Jacob. I scooted back until my back hit the wall.

"Are you scared?" He smirks.

"Fuck you," I spit out.

He connects his fist with my jaw, busting my lip. I smile ear to ear as the blood falls down my chin onto the floor. He reaches his hand out to touch my lip, and I movie away.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora