8. Stay away from my friends

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Thanks for everyone who has read! It means a lot keep voting.
- Taylor

Fuck not you.

"Bella?" He reaches his hand out. I hesitated, Then take his hand. He shuffles back, Guessing not knowing how light I was. He ran his hand through his hair awkwardly. His eyes were glassy, and his skin was pale. What was wrong with him? More tears silently left my eyes, streaming down my cheeks.

"Bella, Why are you crying?" He put his hand on my shoulder, which sent shivers down my spine. I look up at his eyes, Which were filled with concern.

"It's not like you care Oliver," I whisper, my voice cracking.

"I do okay? I know i'm the last person you want to see, or talk too but please talk to me?" He murmured.

Should I? No don't be stupid.

"Fine, where?" I question.

"We can go back to my house," He said.

I nod, and started walking. We walked in silence for a good ten minutes. Which I didn't mind. I feel bad for leaving Vic, He truly cared about me. He's the only one who has been by me through everything. I sigh. We finally get to his house. When we got there, I looked around and saw shattered glass coming from the bathroom.

"What's with the glass?" I ask.

He sighs, and sits on the couch.

"Nothing, were here to talk about you," He said with a crooked smile.

I sit next to him. I really don't want to talk to him, because if I do, I'll start bawling. I don't want him to pity me.

"Vic, Told me you aren't doing good," He said.

Why are they even talking, And about me?

"Yeah," I say slowly.

"So?" He says.

"Oliver it's a lot," I said. I had way to much to say, and i'm not going to spill my heart out to my ex.

"I have time," He faked a smiled.

"Only if you tell me whats wrong with you?" I said.

He stopped and looked at his feet. Why did he look so upset? He sighed and looked over at me.

"When I left you for your best friend I regretted right after I did it. Then a little later she took a lot of my money and left. I got a drinking problem then a couple years later my best friend died," He then shook his head.

"When you broke up with me, I didn't even know what to do. I then dyed my hair and everything, maybe thinking if we met again you wouldn't notice me. My mom then hated me for a lot of stuff she called me horrible names, so I then moved out. When I was getting better, I found out my brother got cancer. Plus I have a crazy ex. I just don't know anymore," I blurted.

He looked at me, and sighed. That's all everyone does they just sigh.

"I want to be friends...," He whispered.

"I really don't know Oliver," I say quickly.

"Please I-I," He mumbled.

"I'll think about it," I hesitated.

"I really should go," I say while getting up.

"Oh okay," He says awkwardly.

I open the door and leave. I need to call Vic. I start calling, ringing, more ringing. No answer. Fuck, I sigh in frustration. I walk faster. The cool air felt nice. It's the first time in awhile I've Been out in awhile. I finally get too my house, and hop in my car. Anxiety was running through me. I drove faster. "You're a failure you know that" Who the hell was that? When I got to Vic's I jump out the car and slammed on the door.

He opens the door and shakes his head.

"Yes Bella?" He sighs.

"Can we talk please?" I ask, My whole world was spinning.

He simply nods, I walk in and sit on the couch. Vic stands in front of me.

"Why did you run off like that?" His voice weak.

"Vic I'm sorry, I always fuck up," I say. "Every time I ruin everything,"

"Bella, I want the old you back, The care free Bella," He frowned.

I didn't think i've changed that much. I thought I was being the same old Bella like always.

"I ran into Oliver when I left, I went to his House and talked to him, He um wants to be friends," I whisper.

"WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO HIM? HE IS THE REASON YOUR LIKE THIS BELLA, I'M JUST SO DONE. YOUR SO BLIND BELLA. Everything is right in front of you," He screamed, He looked so disappointed in me. Vic has never gotten mad at me like this before, or even screamed at me.

"I don't want you talking to him," He said "and I mean it,"

He can't tell me what to do. What's the big deal talking to Oliver anyway? My head was throbbing. I wanted everything to stop. I want peace and quiet just for once.

"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" The words slipping out of my mouth. He just smiled and looked the floor.

"Fine, Do what you want, Just know I won't be there anymore. Like I always am. I'm not doing that anymore, Oliver hasn't changed, but whatever," Vic said, He had a blank expression. I could never read Vic's emotions. I got up and walk out the door. Clenching my fist.

Oliver P.O.V

I sat on the edge of my bed for what seemed like hours just thinking. All my fans are still pissed that I left the stage. I still have to figure everything out with the guy I punched. My hand was still fucked along with the cuts from the glass. I walk to the kitchen and rummage through the fridge and get a beer out. I pop it open, and take a big swig of it letting it run down my throat. I paced around the house, drinking beer after beer. I stopped at three not wanting to get drunk off my mind. I've drank so much, My phone rings in my pocket, I shove my hand in my pocket, and grab it out. I sigh seeing the caller I.D.

"What," I sneer. I'm not going to even try to be nice. She needs to stop calling me.

"In a bad mood I see?" She chuckles. "I was wondering if you wanna go out to the bar with a couple of friends?"

"Of course not," I say.

"Oh, well your fault, Well I saw on your twitter that your trying to pick up some depressed emo," She laughs. "I bet we will be great friends,"

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL BELLA THAT," I screamed. I don't know why I was being like this but I was.

She simply hangs up, I scream in frustration. I need some fresh air. I walk out my door and the air swept under me, sending chills up my spine. I walk for a while just soaking up the sun. I kept my head down for a while looking at my feet as I walk. I breathed in the air. Then BANG- Someone runs into me full force. They fall right down.

"I'm s-s-sorry," She sniffles. She looks up. It's Bella.

"Bella?," I question reaching out my hand. She takes it and pull her up. I almost fall over from her being so light. She looked pale, which makes the both of us. I run through my messy hair, and letting out a sigh. I noticed she was crying.

"Bella? Why are you crying," I say. It seems like every time I see her shes crying. I hated seeing her like this.

"Its not like you care Oliver," She hisses.

But I do, I truly do.

Extra long chapter! Worked really hard on this one. Any ideas for me?

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora