14. I don't care if your contagious

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I opened my eyes, letting the setting of the room reveal around me. Oliver had a firm hold of my hips, breathing slowly. I grabbed my phone to see the time, It read twelve-thirty. My body still still ached. I slowly get out of his hold, I get up dizziness overwhelms me. I go to my room, looking for clothes. I then see four neatly packed envelopes on my bed. They had a moon on each of then, with stars along each of them. I grabbed the first one, slowly opening it. I open it revealing a letter.

Dear Bella,

Bella I don't know how to say this... I'm lost. I can't forgive myself for hurting you. Maybe if we didn't fight you wouldn't be in a coma right now. This all my fault. I hurt the person I love the most. I was suppose to protect you, and I couldn't even do that. I want you to be happy. I want you to have a real smile for once. I want you to wake up in the morning excited to live another day. You can't do that with me around. I don't want to take you down with me. So, I'm leaving . I want you to not try to find me please. Bella just act like I was never there. Oliver needs you too. He can protect you. Maybe i'll be back in the future, but for now. I will be gone. I love you more than anything, but I need you to trust me. You'll get better just wait. Your beautiful, and amazing. Do something big in this world. I put stars on it from that one time we were looking up at the sky for your birthday. It was one of my favorite memories of us together. Bye Bella.

Sincerely Vic,

I was speechless, tears silently falling from my eyes. I hurry ripping another one open. It had a big stack of money, saying "I hope your brother gets better" I rip another one open. Piles of pictures fall out, of the both of us. This can't be happening. My body was numb. The last one was the extra key to the house he had. I run out of the house, my feet burning. I get in the old truck, driving as fast as I could. The world was going in slow motion, tears spilling out of my eyes.
I finally get to Vic's running out of the car, Pushing the door open. Nothing was there everything was gone.

"No!" I scream falling to my knees. "No Vic!"

I then feel arms being wrapped around me. I look up to reveal Oliver.

"Oliver!" I cry into his shoulder.

Vic actually left me. this was all my fault. I cried into Oliver's shoulder for what seemed like hours.

"What do I do now?" I say.


It's been a little over a week, and now it's time for Matthew surgery. I'm more nervous than I ever had been before.

"Your going to be fine," I say squeezing his hand.

He looks down. "But why did you do it?" He whispers.

"I was sad, and I didn't know what else to do," I say.

"Don't leave me Bella," He says hugging me.

I nod, giving him a hug back. The doctor was then ready. I walked out of the room. Oliver came with me, I felt like he cared, but did he really? I sit next to him looking at my feet. Of course my moms not here, shes an awful mother. The only thing she does is sometimes pay the hospital bills. It's also been a little over a week since I got the note from Vic. I miss him, I want my best friend back. My scars are almost healed, but I will always have that memory. I looked over, and Oliver was tapping his foot.

"What happens if he doesn't make it?" I dare to ask. He looks over to me his eyes glassy.

"He will," He says putting his hand on mine. I nod looking over at the room he was in.

The reason I'm here is because of you.
The doctor comes out several hours later. I couldn't tell if there was good new or bad news from his blank expression. I bite my lip as he walks closer.

"Your with Matthew?" He says. "Ah, yes he is perfectly fine, the surgery went great, but he will need to rest for now"

I could finally breathe. All the tension has been swept away.

"Thank you," I manage to say.

Finally something worked out.

-2 months later

I slide on the dress Oliver got me, applying on makeup. Vic still is in the back of my head. I tried to find him. He was nowhere to be found. I still wear the necklace he got me. I want to find him. I got knocked out of my thoughts.

"Bella?" I hear from behind me.

"Yes?" I ask.

Oliver asks if i'm ready, and of course I say yes. We walk to his car, I enter slowly.

I didn't even know where we were going.

Oliver's P.O.V

We drive down to the restaurant. I wanted to take her somewhere nice. Jacob somehow found me number. He said he will find me, and kill me. I started to get paranoid from it. I couldn't tell Bella though. I have warped soon. I don't know what I should do about Bella. I want to bring her, but will she want to come? We finally arrive, and Bella walks out of the car looking stunning.

Our food came to the table, then us silently eating.

"Are you happy now?" I ask.

"I'm getting there," She sighs taking another bite of her food.

"I want to see Vic," She suddenly says.

"I know Bella," I mumble.

When we finished the meal. We decided to walk around the night. We stepped out into the cool night.

"I've always loved the sky," She says pointing up into the starry night.

I give her a smile as we walk down the pavement. The sound of her heels clicking. We stop and get some drinks at a bar. Bella takes a drink walking further in the night.

"Thank you," She says.

I nod, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. The sky and started to get grey as we keep on walking.

Then small rain drops fall onto to us.

Bella laughs as the rain becomes harder. I turn her around, and look her deep in the eyes. I then connect my lips with hers, her lips soft.

She wraps her arms around my neck. We both release. We then run too the car hands interlocked.

I did it she's finally mine.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora