9. It never ends

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Oliver's P.O.V

I told her that I know i'm the last person she wants to see, but I needed to talk to her. All the pain from the years are rushing over me. She stops for a minute and looks at her feet. She looked so fragile, like she could brake any moment.

"Fine where?" She finally asks. I was relieved she was going to talk to me. I told Bella we could go to my house, all she does is nod and started walking. We walked in silence for about ten minutes. The only noise was our feet hitting the hard pavement. The crisp air was hitting my face. It was the beginning of April, so  the air was still cold. I dreaded May. That was the month I left Bella. My stupid self left her. Bella walked at a fast pace hugging her sides. I'm not surprised that shes cold. She looks under weight. Even more from at the concert. She has to be eating right? She looked so worried. Why was she even crying? My mind roamed. After the longest ten minutes of my life, we got to my house finally.

"Whats with glass," She says. Shit I totally forgot about it.

I sigh and sit on the couch. "Nothing, were here to talk about you," I say with a crooked smile.

Her fragile body sits at the end of the couch. She looked uncomfortable, which I Didn't want her too.

"Vic, told me you weren't doing good," I weakly say.

She looked angry. Why was she angry?

"Yeah," Shes says slowly.

"So?" I say. The silence was building stronger.

"Oliver it's a lot," She hisses. She was getting mad, when all I was trying to do is help her.

I told her I had time, because I did. I have no plans for today.

"Only if you tell me whats wrong with you," She smirks. She always did this. She trys to avoid everything that's about her.

I stopped and just looked at my feet, I really didn't like pouring my heart to anybody. I try to build a wall from people, not letting anyone know about my life. I knew she was going to be the one to break it down pierce by piece.

I told that things have been hard, which wasn't a lie. I told her About what happened to Vanessa, and how she took most of the money I had and left. I also told her about my drinking problem, and when my best friend Sam passed away. That wasn't even half of it, but it was enough. It felt kinda nice to know that someone was actually listening to me.

After that she immediately blurted out everything. It hurt me too know how much pain shes gone through. I knew it wasn't everything, but I knew that was enough for today. I looked at her and sighed. Then her expression grew to annoyance which left me clueless to why.

"I want to be friends," I whispered. I didn't know if she heard me or not.

"I really don't know Oliver," She snapped. Every time she called me Oliver made me more annoyed.

I begged her, and all Bella said was i'll think about it.

Silence filled the room. She got up and said she had to go. Which again left me alone. I didn't want her to leave. She Simply opens the door, and leaves. I let out a deep breath. It felt like I didn't breathe the whole time. My breathe was shaky. I still had nothing to do. The air felt heavy on my hot skin. I stumble up, and go to the fridge. Grabbing yet another beer. Seems like all I do is Drink, eat, sleep repeat. After I chugged the beer. I lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I then feel my eyes get heavy, drift to sleep.

I groan hearing my phone buzz. What now? I can barely open my eyes. I grab the phone, and hit answer.

"Hello," My voice raspy from sleeping.

"I want you to keep away from Bella Oliver," He says. I realized it was Vic. How did he know I was with her.

"I don't think so Vic," I hiss.

"OLIVER YOU ARE THE REASON SHE IS LIKE THIS, DO YOU NOT GET THAT? STAY AWAY FROM MY BELLA, BECAUSE I NEED HER!" He yells in the phone. What the fuck was his deal. I simply hung up, because I'm not dealing with this. Was this all my fault? All her pain, because of me.

Bella's P.O.V

Now it's all true. I didn't have anyone. I was truly alone. It hurt, Vic hasn't talked to me in about two weeks. The self harm had gotten worse, My arms are covered with deep red marks. The voice in my head has only gotten worse. Worse? I've only made you better. GO AWAY! I scream at nothing. I fall to my knees, hugging them close to my body. I need to get out of here. The emptiness in my house makes me feel more alone. I decided to go see my brother. They say hes only getting worse. Hes been on chemo therapy for a while now. I remember when his hair started falling out he was so upset about it. He had black curly hair. He blamed it on dyeing his hair. Which made me more upset because it was my idea. His birthday was coming up soon too. The big thirteen. He's to young, he can't leave me. He's the last person I have. I make my self look some what okay, and head out the door. I blasted music in the car. I didn't want to hear my thoughts. what are you talking about you can't get away from me. I sigh letting a tear escape from my eyes. I finally arrive to the hospital, and depression runs through me. I have never had good memories here. I walk in and the smell of medicine and sadness fills my nose. A couple comes out of a room, the women is crying and the man holding her shoulders as they shuffle out the door. I shiver at the sight of it.

I walk to the counter, and ask to see Matthew. She gives me a sad smile and tells me to sign my name. I get into the elevator, tapping my foot as it begin to go up. "your a mistake you know?" "Vic, your dads death, everything", SHUT UP I scream at the top of my lungs. The door slide open, and I try to get my breathing back to normal. I walk down the long corridor. A hospital for souls I whisper. I finally get to door 213 and slowly creak it open. Hes laying in bed jamming out to his music. He looks over at me, and a big smile appears on his face. Bella! he screams. I run over to him and give him a big hug. It felt nice to have someone.

"How have you been doing?" I say.

"Okay I guess," He looks down. It ripped my heart in half to see him like this. "The things aren't getting better,"

Tears were trying to leave my eyes but I didn't let them fall.

"You will get better it just takes time," I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Our birthdays are next week," He says.

I nod and smile. A doctor slowly opens the door.

"Ms.Knight, can I talk to you for one moment?" The doctor asks.

I walk out into the long hallway. My anxiety worsens.

"Your brother is in need of a emergency surgery on his heart," His voice clear. My world starts spinning. I get dizzy. This can't be happening.

"When?" I choke out.

"The latest will be next Monday," He says.

All I can do is nod. My whole world is crumbling below me. I asked the doctor to tell Matthew goodbye for me. Hot tears where running down my cheeks. I ran to my car, shoving the keys in the ignition. It's all because of you. CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME A BREAK? I yell out. I get home, slamming the door closed. I scream, grabbing my hair sliding to the ground. I hear my phone ringing. I ignore it. I get up, and shuffle to the drawer. I grab out a shiny metal blade. I let it dance across my skin. Two then five, And finally fifteen. The blood falls freely onto the floor. My vision become hazy. I fall on the hard wood floor. Please don't let me wake up. plea- Then blackness.

What do you think will happen! Sorry for the cliffhanger. Thanks you all<3

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora