5. Black & Blue

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Oliver's P.O.V

My hands were shaking. My mind was racing. I've never been nervous for a show before but today I was. I coughed, still feeling like shit. Screaming filled the venue. Then the mates all started walking out. I took a deep breath, and ran out to stage giving a big smile.

"Is everyone fucking ready for a show?" I screamed out.

A wave of scream filled my ears. Hundreds of people around the lot.

"Then lets fucking do this," I scream louder. The first song that played was sleepwalking. the rest of the show was amazing everything doing great. Everyone one was smiling, singing along to our songs.

"Ok one more for all of you!" I shout. Then I look down to see none other than Bella. My eyes widened. Then again she went sprinting. I was speechless watching her push through the crowd.

"Um, I need to go," I say dropping the mic, and running off of stage. I went a secret way to get out so fans didn't rip my face off. I looked for awhile then found her crying the back.

"Bella?" I asked.

She looks at me. Shes even beautiful when she crying, her eyes were raw, and there was a gash on her forehead.

"Oh my god, your bleeding," I shout running up to her. I brush my hand over her gash.

"Why are you crying?" I ask even though I knew exactly why.

"You," She spat at me. Here we go.
All I was doing was trying to help her.

"What did I do to you," I spat at immediately regretting it.

Then she broke down yelling at me, and I let her. I knew she needed to let all of this out, as I hear.

"Oliver I really loved you," She faintly said.

My heart sunk. My throat dry.

"Bella, I'm so sorry. I don't know what, I was thinking just please," I whisper.

She started yelling again. Tears were brimming my eyes. I didn't know what to say, The calm, shy Bella was no longer there. She gets up wobbling as she walked. I decided to follow just in case. Her head needed to be taken care of. She fell a couple times. I then felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Why the fuck did you just leave like that," My manager screamed.

I ignored him and kept walking. I then her a loud yelp. I run out to see a fairly big guy with a balled up fist, with Bella on the ground. What the fuck! who would just hit a girl like that? Anger was practically steaming out of me. I ran up, punching the guy right in the nose hearing a crack. I think I broke my hand. He stumbles, falling onto the bare cement. I help Bella get up. I don't thin she knew who I was. she cried on my shoulder. Bella I whisper.

"Please just come to my house, and let me help you clean up," I say.

She hesitates for minute then nods her head. She tried walking, but stumbled leaning my shoulder. I picked her up bridal style walking to my car. She was really easy to carry. She looked a little to skinny. I sighed putting her fragile body into the seat. She mumbled something about texting Viper. I took her phone and texted her. She curled up into the seat, breathing heavily. I sighed driving to my house. I felt a tear drop down my cheek. I noticed I was crying. Why the hell was I crying? After thirty minutes of dead silence we finally arrived. She woke up looking around. I got out and opened the door for her. I offered to carry her, but she told me to fuck off. I unlocked the door. We both walked in.

"I can sleep on the couch," I said scratching the back of my head.

"No it's fine," She said. "I'm the one invading you house,"

I felt bad for her, because, I knew she was uncomfortable.

"Can I take a shower?" She asked. I nodded walking over and grabbing a towel for her.

"Do you need clothes," I ask.

"Ah, yeah thanks," She says.

I run over, and grab her a drop dead shorts and a shirt. I handed it too her, and she left to the bathroom. I run my hand through my hair. She was hurt, and I knew it. I let out a sigh. I was going to get so much shit for running off stage, but I honestly didn't care. I wanted to kill that bastard right there. I go in my room to get dressed taking off my shirt. I heard footsteps.

"Oh sorry," She coughed blushing.

"Its fine come in," I say.

"Wow you got a lot more tattoos," She said looking surprised. She wasn't wrong, I got a lot more than the last time she saw me. They were not covering my whole stomach, my neck, my arms and a few on my legs.

"Yeah," I murmur.

"Look, I'm not going to be a bitch to you but know that were not Friends?" she questioned.

It hurt me that she said not friends but I nod. I bandaged her head and ice her cheek.

"that bastard," I say cleaning up her cheek.

"It's fine,"She whispers.

I finish bandaging her head up and she crawls into my bed. I sigh joining her. She scoots as far away from me as possible.

"Thanks Oli," She sighs.

I then heat soft snores, about thirty minutes later I heard.

"Oli," She whispered.

I knew she was sleeping. She turned that knowing she was facing me. She got closer putting her head on my chest. Her fragrance filled my nose.

"Don't leave me please," She whispers. "Please,"

"I won't," I whisper, and drift to sleep. and that was a promise I would keep.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora