7. Crucify me

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Bella's P.O.V

My phone begans to ring. I groan, looking at the clock. It read two-thirty, I havent done anythinng in about two weeks. I got fired from my job too, so things have been great. Its also been about two weeks since I was at Oli's house. I answer mumbling hello.

"Hey babe, you still sleeping," Vic laughed.

"Yeah whatever," I say.

"Viper texted, and said she wanted me too pick you up," He sighed.

"I don't wanna," I groan.

I really didn't want too. I had no motavation anymore, plus my wrist are cut too shit, If Vic found out he would freak out. I promised him I would stop, but I got up and took a quick shower, then doing what I always do. I had to make sure I had a long sleeves on.

I sat on my bed shaking until I heard knocking. I walk to the door and open it. Vics eyes were filled with excitement then sorrow. I walk to his car and sit in the passenger seat. He gets in and starts driving.

"Bella," He simply says.

I turn facing him. He keeps driving.

"I can't stand too see you like this," He whispers.

"I'm fine," I say trying to put on a smile.

He pulls over fast causing me to hit the side of the car.


He starts to cry in his hands. I put his chin up and look at him, then wrap my skinny arms around his neck.

"I don't want to be here anymore," I say. "I can't be here anymore,"

Olivers P.O.V

I look into the dirty mirror. I have been a mess. I want bella back. Vic texted me and said she wasn't doing good at all. I'm worried about her. If I lost her I don't know what I would do. I slammed my fists into the mirror, as it shatters around me. I need to go check on her. Shes doesn't want me there I bet. I sighed, Were done touring for now until warp. I really wanted too take a break from the band. I couldn't, I wouldn't do that too the band. I needed to call Tom. Toms hasn't been doing really good. His girlfriend recently overdosed. He hasn't been out of his house in weeks. I run my hands through my hair. I'm tired of being alone. Every time I get close I ruin it. I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone. I dial Vics number, but it went right to voice mail. Maybe I should leave?

Bella's P.O.V

The rest of the car ride was in silence, After I said I did not want to be here, He was shocked. Now all you could hear was faint sniffling from him. I'm a horrible person for doing this. I'm hurting Vic, One of my best friends. My head was throbbing. The only sound in the car was Vics heavy breathing. I sighed and started out the window. Why? Why does all of this have to happen? I just want a normal life thats all.
Finally after fifteen mintues of dead silence, We arrived to the cafe. Vic got out, and went straight inside. I got out, and walked in slowly. The fresh smell of pastrys, and coffee filled the air. I took a seat next too Vic.

"What's wrong with you two," She said with a big smile plasted on her face. The only thing that bothers me with Viper is that she always happy. I'm jealous of that you could say.

"Nothing," Vic mummbles looking down at his feet.

Viper sighs, I"ll go order for us, okay?"

I asked for nothing, and Vic asks for a coffee. She got up and went to get the food.

"Vic, I-I I'm sorry," I choke on my words.

He looks up, but not at me. "Don't leave me, Or I will come with you," He simply says.

I was taken back, He would kill his self if I did? That can't happen.

"No you can't," I say.

"Thats not your choice," He chuckles.

God dammit Vic. Then Viper comes back with two coffees.

"OMG, The guy who gave me our coffees, gave me his number!" She exclaims.

I give her a smile. "I'll be right back," She said.

Vic looked at me. His eyes were glassy. He then looked down, And his eyes widened. Fuck, I pull my sleeve down.

"No, no, no, Bella NO," He yells. "YOU HAD ONE PROMISE,"

Tears were falling out of my eyes, without thinking I ran right out the door. All I do is ever run away, run away from my problems. I hear Vic yelling at me to come back, which only made me run faster. I kept running with my head down, crying. Then BANG. I fall right down.

"I'm S-s-sorry," I sniffle. I look up, Fuck not you.

Until we meet again O.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora