Caring Hand

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Justine's POV

Once we parked and got inside the pack house. People kept staring at me as Tanner held me, taking us to the elevator up to his room. I ducked my head into his shoulder hoping it sends a message for people to stop staring at me.

Once I felt the elevator start lifting us I look up at a semi mad Tanner. Why he mad? Did I do something wrong by hiding away? I can't help it, I dont want attention or confirmation.

Tanner gently sat me on the bed, under the covers before leaving the room. Not once has he talked when we got home. I sighed as he closed the door behind him. I threw off the covers and limped to his closet and threw on his jacket and some basketball shorts. I looked up in a mirror in the closet and saw my face. I look like shit. I also feel like it too. A part of me wanted to puke too.

I crawled back in bed and grabbed the remote, throwing on some shows. The cartoons are the best. Especially the old ones like some smart mouse and a dumb cat. Hilarious! Oh and let's not forget about a sponge and his starfish friend.

When one of them started talking about food, my stomach turned and grumbled. I then realized I didnt eat lunch or dinner yet. I turn off the TV and walked out of the room. I turn to the kitchen and saw Tanner cooking up something. So he's been cooking all this time? I wonder what he's making

I took a seat in one of the counter chairs and watch as he put lettuce, tomatoes, onto of each other. And was flipping what to seems like beef.

Ohhh I wonder if he's making a cheeseburger.

Sooner or later he puts a burger on a plate in front of me

"Eat up, my little kit" he smiles towards me, proud of his accomplishments

I tilt my head, "kit?"

" ya, you know, baby raccoon. A kit. Probably better then being called a puppy huh?" He explains as he leaned against the counter towards me

"Ohhhhh right... for a minute I thought you were calling me a cat. If you did, we gonna have some words" I threaten

He threw his hands up in the air, "I would never."

I then enjoyed my delicious burger with Tanner. The rest of the afternoon was nice and calming. Tanner has been so helpful sense he recused me.


As we were cuddling, ready to fall asleep for school tomorrow. Tanner sits up, his eyes shift a bit as he sat there. Like he was talking to someone in his head

He soon turns to me and smiles, kissing my forehead as he whispers, "Hey baby, I'll be right back. I have some pack business to do. Go ahead and get some shut eye. You need it to heal faster."

I nod before shutting my eyes again. I hear Tanner change and try to close the door behind him quietly.


Tanner POV

I took the elevator back downstairs to my fathers office. As I walked in, there was both of my fathers working on paperwork. Casey and Jasmine sat there also looking confused.

So I spoke up first, "what's wrong father?"

They both stopped working, dad looked towards father and pushed him lightly forward.

Father got up and hummed, "the blue moon is coming soon. Which means mating season is almost here. Which is why I'm asking you three to be on your up most best behavior sense it's your guys first blue moon. Second, many wolf's of the pack feel a... disturbance on our land. Whatever it is, find it and kill it. Third, I'm receiving a call from a visitor, human visitor who would like to speak to you three. Tomorrow before school" he instructed

We all nodded before he sent Jasmine and Casey out. He then turned towards me after the door shuts behind them, "we will watch Justine before school tomorrow and take him over. Make sure this fella isn't a hazard to our pack"

"Yes father"

He nods, "also I'm sending you and Justine to the couple's cabin for the blue moon, your dad and I believe it's the best place for you two to become one. That plus I dont know if being a raccoon shifter, anything will happen to him or not unlike the humans in this pack that have shifted. Make sure he is under the blue moons ray if anything happens.

And I mean anything from a hint of fever to sound of bone popping. The moons ray and his mate will help him"

I nodded, "of course, thank you father for the thoughtful gift"

Dad giggles, "now get on out of here, I bet your mate wants you right now. At least cuddle i bet"

I nod before racing back up to my room. I hear my dad laugh as i dashed out of my fathers office, kind of disrespectful. But they let it slide as I'm a newly paired. Losts of other couples struggle from separation so we give them a break until they are one under the moon.

My wolf is excited for the blue moon. I can finally mark my mate!! Ohhh I wonder if our babies would be kits or pups... or a mix?!?

Only the moon goddess knows

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