Dreams (Edited)

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Justine pov

I groan. Feeling hard floor under me. I sat up and saw a grey room. I look around questioning

"Were am I?" I question out loud

"In your own mind," I turn and saw a raccoon bigger than me smiling. At least twice or 3 times taller and bigger.

"Who are you?" I question

"I'm your raccoon. Your spirit animal, Rico. I'm the one that whines and talks in your head"

"Well, dua. That's obvious. But why are we exactly in my head?" I sat up

" well they are having surgery on us right now "

"surgery? What is that, Rico?" I ask him

"Well they basically cut you open and fix the inside of you" he explains

"wait.. cut me open? so... I'm dead right now? Am I in heaven?!?" I look shocked at him

Rico sighs and shakes his head. He crawls up to me and pets my head with his paw. 

"No silly, you're still alive. But you're more unconscious then alive or dead"

"Oh...." I still try to piece it together, but I can't really wrap my mind around it.

"come, lets rest while you can. It's been years since we could sleep past sunset and sunrise"

I nod and follow him. The scene becomes nothing to grass and light trees. Soon we came across a huge and tall tree.

Rico picks me up and puts me on his back. 

"Hold on my friend" He exclaims 

I nod and grab his neck fur. Knowing that if I grab anything other than that. I would probably hurt Rico and make him angry or upset. Being a raccoon myself. 

He starts climbing the tree.

"This is all too real" I mumble out as I look down to see the ground becoming smaller than before

Rico giggles. "Its all real until you understand the physics of dream and reality world," he stops and enters a hole in the tree. Kinda like a bird's nest, "in a dream world, you can make it whatever you want. Reality just shows us what really is happening... but I feel like that could change soon." 

"What do you mean?" I question him as I got off his back and sat down

"Being a legendary raccoon spirit. I can become different generations spirit animal and I can let them shift like you. But you're different from the others. You're the first to become mates with a werewolf. Alpha at best."

"What does that have to do with anything? Its not like he spotted me weeks before. Or helped me when I first joined the school. Why now?" I demanded, for an answer

"Well Alphas, especially those in training, get very busy.... they don't even socialize out of school hours. They put expectations first before fun and socializing freely. But they will put other things before their expectations if it costs them people's or their own life, to save them from death or even from boredom. Especially that of their own mate. They will make sure and ensure the happiness of their own mate before others. Even their own pack"

I nod, "ok... but they can't just overwork themselves to death. By your description, it sounds like they do."

Rico giggles, "That's what their mates do. They ensure each other are happy and save. Through the day and night. For this lifetime or the next."

I nod, "Ok... making a little more sense... but one thing still concerns me..."

Rico sits down and looks at me, "And what is that, little one?"

I look at him, "What do you mean by you can feel a change, and with that change... it could come very soon?" I criss-cross my legs.

He grabs a bag from the corner of the house and opens it. Revealing blueberries.... huge blueberries... bigger than my head. He starts eating them. 

"What I mean is... werewolves establish unity. Insuring and makes sure each and every member is able to defend the pack and or themselves. They have pack links to communicate with each other without anybody else knowing what they are talking about. Heat weeks to establish they continue growing. Plus if their mate is human, they are able to mark and change their mate's DNA to that of a werewolf so the human, isn't really a human anymore. But now a werewolf."

"Wow.," I exclaim... "This is a lot to take in"

Rico nods, "agreed. No one has ever heard.. well in my time of spiriting... of a raccoon shifter and a werewolf mating bond."

I look up at him, "what do you mean no one has ever heard... is it fake then? Am I really not mates with him?"

Rico shakes his head, "Little one... I understand your confusion. But let me reassure you. That feeling you, I... we had with that alpha boy... Is 100% true. Its not fake like the medience that can be used for it. Plus if it was fake then I would be freaking out instead of being calm and collective."

"You really are a wise one Rico" I mark

He chuckles "Thanks little one...."

He pops one more blueberry in his mouth

"Well, I think our time is done here. Talk to me in your head if you are ever in need of help. Good luck little one"

Soon it became all white. 

I gasp and breath heavy. I slowly open my eyes to bright light over my eyes. I groan and shielded my eyes from the bright light and looked around. It was night time already outside the window. I was again on the bed but this time chained to the bed by an arm restrain

"Great..." I look at the computers around me and saw they were wires to them that are attacked to patches or a mini machine on me. 

I hate this feeling. 

I groan. I want out

I think about my raccoon form and tried to shift like usual.

But I couldn't shift, at all

I started to panic.. apparently a machine started to panic as well. I panic more. That machine was only going to get me in trouble. 

"shhhhh you need to calm down machine!" I whisperer screamed at it.

"You know. That machine is only listening to your heart. So in order to calm that down, you need to calm down yourself" I turn and saw the voice of that was Tanner himself. Sitting in a chair with a white box in his hand. 

I took a deep breath and saw the machine was calming down too

"Thank you," I say to him. 

"No problem... I got you food" He showed the box

The mention of food got my tongue watered in the mater of seconds. 


He nods and opens the box and puts it in front of me. What was best about it was it was a cheeseburger!!

"Thank you, Tanner! Really, I'm so grateful for this."

I dug in right away. Making a mess on my face and the long white dress thing on me. 

The cheese melts on my tongue so well. Making the juice of the tomato and meat mix well on my tongue.

"mhh so good." I moaned out

I heard a low growl. I stopped and slowly turned seeing Tanner hiding his face behind his hand.

"sorry Justine... just... don't moan like that again," his voice was huskier than before

I nod, "ok... " I said confused and just continued eating my burger 

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