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Tanner POV

Casey and I ran as fast as we could towards supposedly where the howl was. As soon as we entered the woods past the last shops, we saw Jasmine passed out with blood on her mouth and over her wolf body. Casey kneeled down and checked her heart beat

"She's alive, just breathing very slow, she needs some time to heal" casey confirms

I looked over her injuries and looked around. Bent bushes, sticks, trees with multiple claw marks, blood splattered everywhere to make it seem like she was killed.

"There wasn't one, there had to be multiple, theres too much blood for just her and one wolf to just be fighting. That plus she has delta DNA, it had to at least took 3 wolf's to do this damage to her"

Casey nods picking up her wolf body gently

"Get her back to the pack house pronto, I still got a good scent on Justine from earlier" I then shift into my wolf and followed the scent.

About a few seconds in I spotted a blood trail along the same way of the scent. Which lead me to a old barn, old red rusty color with leaves growing on the sides of it. Fresh fire tracks infront of it and the side of the barn open.

I shifted back and heard a slight cry. I slowly sneaked my way to the open door without causing much sound. I leaned in and saw the blood trail end towards a bloody body and a crying chick. As I got closer I recognized immediately who it was. A crying Amanda and her mate who doesnt look to be breathing.

I stopped infront of them and growled to grab her attention

She looked up at me with blood red eyes and tears running down her cheeks

"Where. Is. He?!?" I demand with my alpha voice

She tisk, "gone as he should be"

I grabbed her neck and pinned her against the wall, having her hang. Struggling to breathe. Trying to pry my hand off

"Now I'm only giving you two options seeing as you disobeyed my commands and seeing your mate is now dead cause of your actions. First, you tell me where he is and I will kill you now. Or be tortured everyday, not able to join your mate in the afterlife. Make you relive your mates death, every, single, NIGHT. I bet you would love that wouldn't you"

She growls and sheds more tears, "you monster. IM ONLY DOING WHATS BEST FOR MY PACK"

I growl baring my teeth at her neck, making her submit to me, "no, all you done was cause unnecessary pain to everyone. To where the moon goddess revoke your own mate from this life without you."

"Just kill me you monster! If I do tell you were he is, they both will be long gone" she says as she gives up crying

"Who?!?" I demand, I bet my eyes are deep black now

"The werid pirate guy, something about capturing the raccoon for somebody as a prize. Werido with beard and werid accent" she describes with a hint of disgust in her tone

"Thank you, now for my end of the deal" I then shift my hand into a claw and slash her head clean off her body. Letting the head roll to her mates body.

Great now I have to find that guy again before it's too late.

Hold on Justine, I'm on my way

I cant lose you, not now not ever


Sorry not as long but I figured getting something out

Sorry I work full time now with a side certificate on the way.

Also should I start a patreon? Like create character designs for these guys or create chapters that are cutesy chapters that barely add into the story?

Let me know what you guys think

Black and White (mxm, mpreg)(werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now