Escape (Edited)

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Justine Pov

I learned a little more about math. Which is wonderful. Knowing I could help industries like packaging or location design using geometry. Who knew space and air takes up a lot of unwanted matter. Plus you can use circles in a similarities chart to plan out another place to build another industrial building or a restaurant. Plus using radius to know the exact location of meters or miles being used.

Soon the bell rings indicating 1st hours over. I'm grabbed my bag and booked it out the door without anyone noticing or hearing. Plus I don't need that hot guy following me.

Plus I need to get away from the smell of hamburgers.... its driving me crazy still...

I arrive at my 2nd hour

I went to the back again and sat back down.

But once again he comes in and so does the smell. He drops his bag by his chair and comes up to me.

The smell was so strong

"Hello~" he leans closer to me

I started blushing like crazy. The hottest guy in school is talking to me.

Plus he smells like hamburgers and milkshakes..... I want to bite him and lick up and down his arms... but I stopped myself from the embarrassment of a thought.

"H...h...hi" I fucked up saying

He smirks and chuckles lowly, turning me on a bit.

"My name's Tanner? What's your's lovely~"

I kept staring at him still shocked.

I was about to respond but the tardy bell rings and the teacher see's us.

"TANNER, JUSTINE... PLEASE TAKE YOUR SEATS. As I remind you, the class has started and were in school" the rude teacher says as he drops books hard on a table.

I jump a bit terrified of the teacher

Tanner whimpers lowly and winks at me before sitting down in his seat in front of me.

I try my best to calm down my breathing. I wanted to run and don't look back.

But I have to get my diploma. I can't get attached to anybody... not now not ever. They'll hurt me like they have...

Tanner might be hot looking. Muscles and skin worth licking..... damn what the fuck is wrong with me and wanting to lick the man.

I'm glad I satisfied my hunger earlier from the crackers... but I'm still hungry for a hamburger.

The lecture was really boring with stupid spelling and English. I kinda figured spelling is needed in this world. Like waitressing or writing a ticket for a phone company.

Soon I looked at the clock and saw it was getting closer to lunchtime. I started tapping my pencil against my desk as I started planning what to do for lunch.

I could go to the school's trash can again and come back to the 3rd hour early or on time... but there may not be any food at all knowing this school.

But I could go to alleyways nearby and get food that way... but risk being late and having to deal with the deans?

I sigh in sorrow going with my first option. It was hard enough getting into this school by an old friend and using her address.

Now that she's gone, and moved away. I don't need drama at me right now.

I don't need them to realize I don't have a home or family. Then to send me to adoption home to be adopted until they see me shift into a raccoon and thrown out again into the streets.

Its hard enough as it is being thrown out of my original home many years ago. I don't need more abuse or maybe even shot and killed.

Then a memory came back to me

I was trying my hardest to jump into a small trash can by the street.

I whimper and cried, scratching at it for food.

I saw a pole right by it, crawled up it and jumped in. I was digging into some old ladies thrown away delicious leftover cherry pie.

I moan in delight. So delicious. The cherry melts in your mouth and the crust makes it sweet crumbly.

I shall always cherish this meal... but it was short-lived as I was grabbed from behind and thrown a great distance

I cried as I hit the ground. Hurting my back pretty bad. I got up moan in pain and saw a human holding a gun at me.

"You pesky little rat!" He took a shot.

I jumped and he missed me.

I gasp and ran zig-zag out the place. Glass did explode right by me and got into my skin a bit. Not much then a bath can do.

The memory ended and I scrunch still feeling the glass on and in my skin from when I was little.

I look back in front of me and saw Tanner looking at me with worry.

Did he see me go into a depressing memory flashback moment? Ugh I hope he didn't, its embarrassing

Soon the bell rang and I booked it.

Hopefully, there is food...I'm starving

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