Spending Time

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if I miss a detail I forgot about eariler, I'm sorry, I'm struggling with my memory to remember everyone's names and what's happening in the correct order

Justine POV

As we get back up to Tanners room. He made me go take a shower and get dressed for bed or check out my new clothes.

I dont understand what he means by shower but I go to his room and put the bags of clothes on his bed and started to go through them. I dont know how I could ever repay him for getting stuff for me.

Sooner or later Tanner comes into the room, "still checking out the clothes, I though you were going to take a shower"

I jump and turn towards him but looked away embarrassed, "what's a shower?"

he slaps his forehead and chuckles a bit, "I'm so sorry, Justine, I forgot. let me help you out. I'm going to start it up and show you what stuff you could use for what. Follow me"

As he walks into a white room with a toilet in it. I follow him and saw myself in a crystal mirror. It was so shiny. I turn and saw a tub and curtains. Looks like a huge tub of glossy white. Only reason I know it is called a tub is cause I use to take baths all the time when I was little. Before I was kicked out.

It would be nice to have a bath once again

Soon a spray goes on spraying water into the tub. Interesting engineering.

"alright, once you get in after taking your clothes off. Use the shampoo to scrub your hair then rinse, but dont get it in your eyes. Also use body wash to of course, wash you body.  But again dont get it in your eye. Then wash off, get out and dry off. Then go ahead and get your pajamas on. I'll go get them. Go ahead and get in my love" Tanner explains and leaves the small room

I nod and waited for him to leave. I sighed a bit scared. But took off all my clothes and jumped in. I got drenched with water right away. I dont like showers.

I took the shampoo he told me about and started to scrub my hair with it. Damn feels nice

Then I got the body wash and drop some on my body. Interesting... but werid. I dont like this. I rather take a bath as a raccoon.

I drench myself with water again and most of the soap got of fast.

But I opened my eyes to early and soon I felt water leak into the side of my left eye. Soon I felt a burn. Holy shit it hurts. I try to rub my eye with my hand but only made it worse

fuck fuck fuck fuck

I try to hurry and get the soap out and jumped out. I grab the closest thing. Which would be a large rag and wipped my eyes with it.

It stopped hurting so bad. So I dried my body with the large rag as it did well for my eye. I sighed and turned to see clothes nicely by the sink.

I grab them and got them on and headed out. So the shower is still on and I have no clue how to turn it off

I walk out and and headed to the kitchen to see tanner baking up something.

"What ya making?" I asked being the curious raccoon I am

He jumps and turns to me smiling. "owing back a promise. I promised to cook for you and I hold it on myself to do so. It's about done so I'll get it set up. But let me turn off the shower real quick"

He then gave me a kiss on my cheek and ran to the bathroom.

I chuckle and turn to the pot of red liquid. I took my finger and dipped it into it. I then put my finger into my mouth and moan a bit in delight

Fresh liquid tomatoes. Damn he good

I soon hear the shower turn off the he comes back, "hey no pre testing lovely. " he says as he puts food onto 2 plates and liquid tomatoes into 2 bowls.

I roll my eyes, "I was only making sure you weren't going to posion me"

He laughs "Túshe, come on let's eat" he then sets all the plates on the small table nearby.

I slowly sat one chair and Tanner sat across from me smiling like crazy at me.

"Go ahead, let me know what you think!" he then digs into his chicken wing

I look down and saw the liquid tomato, chicken wings, grilled cheese and strawberries

I digged into my strawberries first. I'm addicted to berry's. Strawberries, blueberries, you name it. I can also spot the correct berries in the wild without being poisioned or tricked by the fake ones.

"yum," I then digged into the fresh cooked chicken wing. Holy shit it melts in my mouth. I haven't had anything like this.

I then heard growling, I turn and saw Tanner was looking away but also looking a bit red from what I could see.

"umm you ok Tanner?"

he nods, "just...dont moan plz"

right he asked me to not do that eariler. whoops.... I wonder why. Maybe have to deal with us being mates.

I have no clue what so ever

after we finish eating, I got pulled into Tanner bed. I was blushing mad

"night love" he says as he hugs me from behind

i nod and closed my eyes and let him hug and embrace me as I sleep...

damn I feel like I'm not top of the world and nothing could go wrong

but something tells me

This is just the beginning of so much stuff

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