Medical Attention (Edited)

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Tanner's POV

I saw the bleeding raccoon and all I could think was my wolf screaming in my head 'mate is hurt' over and over again. 

'MaTe......mAtE...MaTE... MATE!!!'

I ripped off my shirt, showing out my ripped abs out in public. Carefully picked up the bleeding raccoon with it. He did not look good what so ever. His behind leg looks so messed up. Plus his rib looks out of place. 

'DAD! I need an emergency pick up at the park by my school. My mate is hurting badly and needs medical attention right away!!" I screamed in the link 

'Amber is on her way. Meet her halfway and she'll take over helping your mate' he says 

I nod and started walk/ jogging to the packhouse. I don't want to run as I might injure my mate even more than now. 

Soon we wee Amber booking it to us with my dad and a pack warrior. 

We stopped in front of them, Amber comes over and I showed her the raccoon

She looks at me confused "A raccoon? Are you ok Tanner? A random raccoon aren't really mates with werewolves"

I growled as I felt my wolf come out a bit, while I'm having no self-control over him 

"Ok ok.. calm down there tiger. Let me see what I can do" She says as she takes off some of the shift that was over him

"shit. He's losing a lot of blood. Looks like his knee is fucked up. Plus it looks like a rib is broken by that bump in his chest. His breathing is still strong but broken. We need to hook him up to oxygen" she says. Then slowly lays her hand on his coat. 

A crying sound comes from my mate as he struggles to open his eyes to us... its the same brown eyes I fell in love with. This raccoon has me hypnotized. He looks confused at Amber and tries to back away from her and into my chest. 

My wolf awes at the sight of out mate trying to cuddle up to us. I rub his head slowly, shushing him. Trying to calm him down. He slowly calms down and purrs like a cat to me petting him. He laid back down and watched me.

"Let's get him home and hooked up before he loses even more blood," Amber says and  I nod.

"But first..." She opens a first aid kit and wraps his leg. To try and stop the blood flow. 

He cries and whines trying to get away from her. 

"Hey shhh... its ok, she's just trying to help" I try to reassure him.

He looks scared and tired. 

Soon a car stops by us and we get in. Riding all the way back to the packhouse I'm used to living in. 

I let the raccoon look outside. Trying to let him think anything else than the broken bones.

He looked so sick and out of it. I try rubbing his head trying to keep him awake. 

He whines trying to swipe my hand away

"I'm sorry little guy, but I can't let you sleep on me right now" 

Soon we pull up and get out. Amber leads me and my Dad into the infirmary.  I lay the raccoon on the bed and stayed nearby him.

Amber comes back and feels his leg.

My mate was crying again and tries to bite her. She jumps back. 

"I can't do anything if he keeps biting me."

I sigh, "If only he could be back in his human form," I say out loud then in my mind

"Wait... What did you say?"

"That I wished he was in his human form?" I say again

She slaps herself, "OF COURSE... the raccoon isn't a normal raccoon but a shifter." 

She turns around and looks threw her blood bags and picks one up. She grabs a syringe and takes out 10 mL of it and ready the needle

She gets closer. My mate looks confused at me and tries to back away again from the needle.

"I'm sorry Tanner... But I need you to help me and hold him down." 

My wolf growled at me and was trying to force me to slap the needle away.

'no this is to get him better!' I yelled at my wolf making him whimper

I softly grabbed his paws with my left hand and started petting his head. Calming him much as possible.

Amber gets close and sticks the needle in his neck.

My mate cries and struggles against me to be released.

My wolf whimpers wanting to let him go. Me to bud... me too

Soon Amber pulls away, making me soon back away too.

We watch as the raccoon soon shifts into my missing mate, Justine.

He looked horrible. There was already a black eye starting to form. His knee looks bent wrong. He's holding his chest, trying to catch air. 

"It hurts..." he whines.

Amber looks shocked and looks at the needle and back, "huh... it worked"

"Amber!" I growled trying to get her attention

"Oh right!" she jumps and cuts off his pants around his knee and takes a closer look

"Shit.. broken, I need to clean it up, then pop the knee cap back in black and then stitch the rest up." she then moves to his chest and starts to feel.

"The 3rd and 4th ribs on the right side is broken. Ribs are hard to heal but ill help with that. Lots of ice and lots of resting. But first things first... that broken knee"

Soon she got to work. Putting an oxygen mask on him and began healing him. 

And with that, I never left his side. I sat right by him and kept saying sweet nothings into his ear and lightly rubbed his light hair.  

I'm here mate, and I'll never let you go and get hurt ever again

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