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Justine's Pov

Tanner gave me more clothes to dress into. Shorts and another t-shirt.  He got himself dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt. After we got done getting dressed Tanner took me downstairs, in the elevator again. 

We got to the second floor and he pulled me into a new room with a kitchen and a small table. It also had a porch door and you can see the sunrise from here. Its pretty

I stare at the sunrise a bit longer before Tanner invites me to sit on a tall table stool to a counter connected to the kitchen. 

Two girls were there cooking. One I don't exactly see before but the other...

Amanda... the bully!

I jumped and ducked under the counter. Tanner tilts his head at me and then realizes something. I don't know what

"Good morning Tanner, how can we help you," the other lady says

"Hi Claire, just breakfast today please, 2 plates for me and my mate here. Oh and Amanda..."

"Yes Tanner sir?" she sounds confused

"Your excused from working this week. Thank you" 

I sneaked a peek and saw Amanda looking shocked... Claire looks back and forth from Tanner and Amanda before cutting herself out of the conversation and getting straight to cooking. 

"Tanner Sir, please, I can cook, why am I excused?" She tries to fight back

Tanner looks at me and offers his hand to me. I hesitated before grabbing his hand and he pulls me back up to my stool. 

"For harming the life of my mate. You and your group will visit my father, the Alpha, later today for further instructions. Understand?"

She looked shocked at me and angry. She fists her knuckles before bowing. 

"Yes, sir," she said before turning around and leaving the kitchen

I looked shocked at what just happened before me... well I'm dead at school Monday.

Claire soon finishes two plates and sets them in front of Tanner and I. She looks up at me and smiles 

"So you're the cutie everyone starts talking about" she leans onto the counter with her elbows and her hands holding up her chin.

I tilt my head, "What do you mean talking about me?"

"Well the pack of course sweetie," She turns to glare at Tanner, " or did someone forgot to mention us?"

Tanner stops eating, "He knows, well not fully yet" before digging back in his breakfast

Claire nods and turns back to her kitchen grabbing us drinks of orange juice before setting them in front of us. 

I then took the first bite of my breakfast, which contains 2 fried eyes, hashbrowns, and sausages. I took a bite of the fried eggs. The egg melts right on my tongue. Making me feel very homie and safe.

"Oh my god Claire, your so good at cooking! I haven't had anything like this before!"

She giggles, "well thank you Luno" she smirks 

Tanner spits a bit of his food before fixing himself. Meanwhile, I sit there confused

Tanner chuckles, " ohh not yet Claire, your an ass though you know that Claire?"

She chuckles as well finishing up cleaning up the kitchen, "Yep, have a good day Justine!" then she leaves the kitchen

I take another bite and look at Tanner still confused as hell, "Who's Luno?"

Tanner pets my head as he finishes up his breakfast, "I'll explain later Justine" before getting up and cleaning his empty plate

I huff and finish up my own plate, "you better" I mumble

He comes back and kisses my forehead, "and I will trust me. Now here up so we get to the mall"

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