Who Are You? (Edited)

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Tanner's Pov

I watch as my little mate falls asleep as I pet his hair. He is gorgeous sleeping. But what was he doing under a bridge? Did it seem like a mini home? Is he homeless? Where is his family?

I need to write all this down to make sense of this. 

I look towards Amber and saw she was writing down something and checking medicine we have and checking on Justine's knee here and there

"Amber, can you pass me writing paper and a pen?" I ask

She nods and grabs some from a drawer and gives it to me. I take it and clicked the pen. While my right hand was still petting Justine's head.

I started to write about meeting him today and his kind of smell that just drew me to him. Knowing he was my mate. I then describe his image. Beautiful and gorgeous. But also rough and had a sort of warrior spirit within him. 

He kept to himself, I noted. He also looked hungry in 1st. Digging his sharp raccoon nails into himself while his stomach growls for food. I also write down how he ate the crackers like a wild animal. I wonder if that's all he knows how to eat is wild. I begin to describe his attitude towards me when I started flirting with him. He seems to push me away like he was trying to protect himself... unless he was trying to protect me too. I write that down as a question mark on the side. I then start to think about lunchtime when he ran out of the school. I found his backpack stuffed in a tree by the trashcans. Was he in the school trash? I heard terrible tails of what's inside the trashcans. But I would make sense as restaurants and public places have been reporting a raccoon in their trashes for 4 years now. 

'Hey, dad?' I ask in the link

'What's up son?' 

'Can I review the reports concerning a raccoon at the places nearby the school in a 5-mile radius' 

'of course. I have them out and ready already as soon as you told me you found a raccoon for a mate. I'll bring them to you soon as possible' He claims

'thanks dad' i end the link

I soon finish the report claiming I finally found my missing mate, beaten and hanging on for life itself. 

Soon I heard a groan from the side of me. I drop my pen and turn fast as I can to see my mate's eyes slowly open.

"Tanner?" he questions looking at me

I get closer and rub his head more. Getting his long hair out of his face. 

"Hey cutie~"

"Where am I?" he questions looking around

"You're at my house" 

"Your house is a hospital?" his eyebrow raises up

Amber laughs and I roll my eyes, "No silly, this is just the infirmary for my house. I'll show you my room later"

"Why bother" He mumbles why looking away

"Cause I can and I want to"

He looks back up at me questioning, "So you want to bring a filthy, low life, homeless raccoon into your room? It's like your desperate to get laid or something. Is that what you're trying to do for payback for saving my life? If that's the case. You should of just let me die..." he turns away from me

I looked shocked at him. Not only does my mate think I'm trying to use him, which badly hurts me. But he's becoming suicidal. Was he actually wanted to die back there at the bridge?

"Hey! I don't want you to die and I especially don't want to use you. If I don't get to touch you, fine. But if others try to touch you or even look at you like I do. I will surely kill them"

He turns back around looking at me, questioning, "well too late. I'm already hurt by your so-called 'friends' that are trying to help you 'get your mate'" he uses his hands to make the quotations. 

"I know... but you know what?" I say getting closer

"What" he growls out

"The truth is, your my mate" I rub his head feeling the shocks

"Ok... one question" he questions, turning red from what I believe is the shocks

"Hmm?" I paid attention more to the shocks

"What's a mate? And secondly.. what the hell is a werewolf?" Justine stares at me right in the eyes

I look down at him and stop petting him... right... he had the brain of a human still. Not werewolf!

"A mate is a werewolves other half. They can't live without the other. Destined to love each other. And a werewolf is like you but instead of shifting to a raccoon, werewolves shift to a wolf form"

He looks at me shocked and mumbles, "I wish I was a werewolf then a filthy raccoon"

My wolf whines hearing this, I did too.

"Hey, you and your raccoon form are beautiful. Don't think your filthy"

"Well kinda can't when all I do is garbage jumping and live under a bridge where its cold and dirty. You really don't know what the life of a raccoon can do to you."

I shook my head, " no I don't. But I can help fix it"

He laughs loud, kinda scary, "help fix it?!? Hello?!?!? How are you, the most popular male in the school, going to help some low life like me?"

"Easy," I smile, "since you can't really go back your bridge home and I can't really live without my mate by me. You can live with me!" I cheer

He looks at me scared a bit and pulled back.

His expression makes me loose my smile. I was about to speak when Amber calls to me

"Al- Tanner... can I speak with you outside please"

I nod and followed Amber outside the door. Leaving my mate alone and needing time to think for himself

Amber turns to me and shows me papers

"His knee is slowly getting better. We just need to snap it back in place. A quick shift can easily do that since it stopped bleeding.

But first we need to undergo surgery to fix that broken rib. It completely clean off and just swimming around in his chest. So shifting and other activities would hurt him more. So I recommend we do this surgery soon as possible and out the way to get his knee fixed as well"

I hated the sound of my mate undergoing surgery. But if it helps him get better

I nod, "fine, let's do it. But I want my father here"

She nods, "I'll get my team together"

She walks away. I sigh. I rub my face thinking about this. Why did I say yes?!?! To help mate! Ahhhhh

I turn around and enter looking down.

I can't bear to look at him. I closed the door and sigh.

"Justine...." I say

No response

"Just...." I look up and saw no one there and an open window

I jump and look out the window looking frantic

I see a raccoon climbing down a tree and running away into the forest

I take a few steps back and ran and jumped out the window.

Before I landed. I shifted into my huge white wolf.

I growl and ran, following mates scent.

All I could think about was his safety and his rib that was hurting him


You need to stop Justine! Your killing yourself without you even knowing!

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