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Tanner's POV

Soon I helped Justine out to my car after some nice breakfast. Then helped him in the passenger seat. Helping him get the eat belt on before getting in the drivers seat.

"I could of helpped!" He whines

"I know, but i want to spoil you!" I smirk at him

He blushes and looks away

Then we started heading off to the mall.

As we were driving Justine looks out the windows and watches all the places go by

"So this is what people see in cars. That's why they can't see a small animal cross the street" he randomly says out loud

"What?" I asked confused on what he just said

He shakes his head, "oh don't worry, not much then a life of a small rodent"

"No, go back,  people can't what?"

He looks confused, "see a small animal?"

"So people almost hit you with their own car's?" I asked

He nods, "yep, one time I got nailed pretty hard with the side of a car. Knocked me out for a good few seconds. Another time a driver purposely tried to run me over with his car. Caused him to crash into a building as I climbed over a fence into a 2nd-floor window."

I nodded, "damn you shouldnt have ever gone through with that life style!"

He shrugs, "oh well"

"No oh well, no one deserves that. Especially not you!"

He blushes and looks away embarrassed, "thank you, Tanner"

I nod, "ill make sure you make up for your missing childhood"

Sooner or later i pull into the mall parking lot.

I parked the car and got out. Justine gets out as well and follows me. I wait for him and pull him close to me and hold his hand.

He jumps a bit shocked but goes with it, blushing like crazy as we head inside. I locked the doors of my car and put my keys in my pocket.

We got inside and I heard Justine gasp

Perhaps at all the stores and people in it.

"Thats a lot of stores in one area!"

I chuckled and pulled Justine into the first store on my list to take him. It was a branding clothes store. Mainly for women but also had some men clothes as well.

He looked around. He stopped at a few nice shirts with simple designs. I got one of each that matched his size.

But once in a while, i also saw him glace at a cute skirt with pastel colors and gray lady sweater

After the fifth time he glaced over, as if i wasnt watching him, i pulled him over to them and grabbed his size and put it up against him

"What about this shirt. I think it would look good on you, especially with that skirt over there," i point out

He blushed mad crazy, "no no no no, those are girly clothes, im good"

"Come on, girly clothes won't hurt anybody, besides, you can be werid and crazy or girly around me. Come on, my treat, literally" i persuade  him

He sighs in defeat, "i mean i guess, i dont want to be a baron"

"You wont, i promise doll~" i then take them up to the cash register and payed for them all.

I hid the prize of it all from Justine. He doesnt need to know. We go into more stores and got underwear, more shirt, pants, shoes. We soon got to the food court

"Lets get something to eat, what sounds good?"

He sniffs the air for a good second, "ohhh what's a cheese and tomatoy smell with garlic and bread? That smell really good"

"Pizza it is"

I went and bought a large pizza and a large drink and sat down at a table with him.

I let him dig in and start drink. I put all the bags by him.

"Stay here i need to grab something real quick" i asked him

He nods, "okay"

I walked down to the hidden store. A store i rather not let Justine come into for a long time. Protect his innocent mind

I got a night gown that fits Justine. I want him to be comfortable at night and a toy for me. I dont want to rush into anything if my rut hits me early

I paid for it all and came back to Justine. He finishes the entree pizza and starts licking the pan.

I go and order another pizza to-go and came back to him. I took the platter from him.

"Alright, i think you cleaned that pizza up well"

He nods, "it was so delicious" he smiles and jumps and hugs me. Taking me off guard for a bit

"Thank you" he mumbles

I nod and start patting his back as i hug him back, "anything for you love"

I smile satisfied of my achievements today

"Come on, let start heading back-"

Then a scream, i jumped and saw a lady running away from the food stores.

Then other people joinned her. I jumpped up, "Justine dont move, I'll be right back."

He nods shaking scared

I run over as fast as i can and looked over the counter. Insects. Big inscets. From daddy long leg spiders to cockroaches. Plus insects i havent seen in my life that just crawl around


How the hell did they get in here?

I ran back over to Justine and opened the box i just bought for him. He tilts his head at me in confusion.

I look inside and right away threw away the box. Discussing... wait a minute..

He ate that pizza from earlier!

"Come on Justine, we need to get back!"

He nods and helps grabs a few of the bags. I grabbed the rest and hurried us home as fast as possible

((Let me know what ya think, im trying me best to update with working so much))

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