Fight to Survive

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Justine's POV

As Jasmine grabbed my wrist and pulls me to the pack house. I look behind me to see Tanner and Casey upsettingly angry with this man. Whats going on? I turn back around and tried my best to keep up with Jasmine, "where are we going?"

She turns to me and I knew then her wolf was coming out a bit as she was debating about something in her mind, "we are getting you home to the packhouse, pronto"

I nodded and wanted to cry cause my legs were starting to hurt. I felt like shifting to keep up, "don't shift now, not until we are inside the packhouse"

As we got close, passing the last of the stores to close to the woods I started smelling weird, but similar scents. Jasmine sniffed and growled as wolves jumped in, surrounding us.

"of course, you just couldn't stay away and leave like you were told Amanda," Jasmine says, making me jump at the name

Two wolves shift in front of us, naked. It was Alex and Amanda... oh shit

"Of course we couldn't, this pest made us lose our spot in our pack. I suggest you get out the way Jasmine. I actually like you, don't want you getting hurt don't we" Amanda chuckles as she puts her hand in front of her face. Her eyes were of a bloody red color that I have never seen before. In fact, all these wolves eyes were bloody red, including Alex's (which before were greenish light blue)

"Not today, I serve my pack and my alpha. That includes his mate and well my best friend. Now that you're a rogue, I won't hesitate to kill if you try anything, Amanda," Jasmine's wolf claws and teeth show out as she half shifts. 

Amanda scoffs, "I thought we were best friends"

She shakes her head, "Im not friends with abusive bullies that abuse their second form to harm another person"

"fine be that way, we have a deal to fulfill. Boys, get him" Amanda grows and then points at me. As soon as she pointed, Alex shifted and he and 3 others jump at us. Jasmine let out a loud howl before jumping at Alex with her own wolf form, sticking him at his neck. 

I jump over and under a few that tried to grab me with their jaws. I booked it into the forest. I couldn't care anymore if my legs wanted to fall off. I felt myself half shift as my legs stop hurting as much and my ears flopping on my head as I ran. I saw a burrow and slid into it than shifting into my raccoon form and climbed up the tree as arms and paws tried to reach me. I saw another opening and climbed through it. As soon as I got out I shifted back. I jumped from branch to branch trying to get away.

But as I landed on one of the branches, it snapped and caused me to fall. Hitting the ground hard on my back. It felt like the wind stole my air from me. My back cried in pain. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I could barely see, everything was such a burr to me. I felt hands grab me and I saw a fist punching me.

Then black. Welp death here I come again. 


Amanda's POV

I made one of the boys pick up the stupid boy. Im still wondering how he got up the tree so fast. Fucker almost got away from us. Good thing that branch broke. I turn back and saw Alex and our friends Ceaser and Cole will a lot of wounds. Alex isn't looking so great as they teamed up and took out Jasmine. 

Bitch didn't think much of our friendship. I would have killed her myself but she is the future delta, the first female to do such a thing. But I won't hesitate to kill her if I see her again. 

"Come on boys, let's get going before they get here" They all nod and I shifted and lead them to an empty barn on another side of town. It was of an old farmer that died a few years ago. 

I shifted and pulled out a chair and sat the boy  in it. Ceaser found rope and tied the boy to the chair. Cole also shifted and started attending their wounds. Alex thou fell onto hay. Wimpering in pain. I kneel beside him trying to help his wounds as much as I can. His heart beat weakening. I thought he was fine! what the hell happened. 

I then saw his neck. Bitch got him good and being a higher wolf. Thank god she wasn't a beta or an alpha wolf or else he would have died there. I tried to clean the wound and bandage it. Blood wouldn't stop flowing. I felt our bond weakened. no no no no no. No I cant loose him. I wont. 

He licks my face and rubs against my hand. 

I shake my head, "no your fine Alex, your going to be fine" 

He shakes his head, "This is my punishment for daring to question our alpha...." 

I cut him off, "no he doesn't need a boy as his mate or our luna! We need a powerful luna not just some weak nobody from off the streets"

He chuckles lowly and groans in pain from it, "maybe there was more then what meets the eye love"

I laugh, "your delusional"

He then looks dead at me confused, "maybe I shouldn't of followed my mate into believing certain things. Maybe we would of still be in the pack. Surrounded by our families" 

I growl, " you dare question me??? All I did was protect our families and our relationship from an imposter" I yelled at him

"all you did... was for power Amanda... did you ever truly love me..." 

I shut my eyes as I couldn't see through my tears that rushed out, "OF COURSE I DID YOU IDIOT"

Then silence, I opened my eyes and saw him lay there, stiff and limp. I felt our bond break. I jumped over his body. 

"no no no no, come back to me, im sorry. im so sorry love. I didn't mean for any of this to happen just come back to me!" I laid over him, he has to come back

I felt hands on my back as I couldn't control my sobbing. 

It was a good half hour before a figure walked in. Ceasar, Cole, and I looked up at him with tears ruining our faces. 

"Did you get what I asked? You mutts" His low growl old English voice asked

I nodded, "right there is the alpha's mate. You can use him to get what you desire. If Tanner even has this raccoon you so desire."

He nods and throws us money, "Thank you, we will be in touch soon"

I nod as he undoes the rope and picked up and took the boy again. Good, I don't want to see his face ever again. 

"You two should go leave, fulfill your lives with mates you so desire" I look to Cesear and Cole

"What about you?" Cole asked concern

I smile, "I'll be fine, Im just going to take care of his body. Please"

They sighed and nodded before leaving. 

I just stayed by Alex's side. I don't care about anything anymore. No children to look over, I risk my mate's life for my selfish gains, didn't I? I just wanted to be luna myself and take care of the pack. Not some idiot boy that doesn't know anything or anyone. 

I laid beside him. Whatever takes me first, I can't live without him. Everything feels so dead anyways. May it be starvation or the pack striking me dead. Im coming my love. Im so sorry


Why does autocorrect want to fix can't into can? like bruh

Anyways please like and follow. (my goal is to hit 1k soon.. hopefully, maybe? please?)

Anyways I would also like to say go follow and read my friend's blackburrry_ and her books. We collab in her latest one-shot books and it was so much fun! (myct related)

Anyways have a good day and please leave a like if you enjoy this story. I love reading all the comments you guys leave

Ninja out!

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