4th Hour (Edited)

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Justine's Pov

I rushed out of 3rd hour as soon as the bell rang. Tanner can be so flirty. Asking me so many personal questions. Which is really annoying after a while.

I took a breath and looked back in my notes to what happened in 3rd as I walk to fourth

Tanner has my bag at his house. Somehow they found it in the tree I stuffed it in. So that scent must of belong to Tanner and Tanner alone. This also means I have to deal with the scent on the way to his house after school as well.... great... just fantastic...

Which now looking at my time today... if I can get there right away and go get my backpack and go with no interruptions... I can easily find dinner in a span of 3 to 4 hours till sunset. But take the time to go and get food and back takes about an hour its self if I'm lucky sooo... 3 to 2 hours... not much time if you tell me. 

I groan realizing I might have to go hungry tonight or else I have to use one of my packaged cereal. If it hasn't been found yet. 

But my thoughts get rudely interpreted by hands pushing me into a locker, harshly. Groan, grabbing my side that hit the locker. I looked up and saw a few popular girls and guys. Mostly jocks and cheerleaders for the school. Great... if they know me, then I messed up somewhere... This is going to mess up my day even more if they start doing other stuff.

The main jock... I believe his name is Alex. He stands over me and lands his hand right by my head onto the locker.

"Justine? I believe?" Alex questions

I kept quiet... afraid if I answer rightly or getting detected for lying.

"Oh its him alright" Alex's girlfriend... Amanda says. The most powerful and well-known couple in the school besides Tanner who has some reason more power then them.

Alex laughs and grabs my shirt aggressively, shaking me a bit

"If you know what's best... stay away from Tanner. He can't be distracted from freaks like you. He has his mate to catch and you're always somehow getting in the way every, single.. .time...today"

"What do you mean??" I asked confused by a lot he just said. Like what the heck is a mate? 

"What do I mean? What do I MEANNNN? I!!!! This is what I mean FREAK" He screams and throws me harshly to the ground

I land on the ground harshly on my side again. But this time I didn't get to recover as I felt something hard hit my stomach. I cry in pain and try to cover myself

But I felt more kicks hit me. Few hitting my stomach more. Twice hitting and possible fracturing my knee and one kicking my face.

Then they stop, then start laughing as they walk away. The bell then rang signaling that 4th has started.

I stay lying down on the ground. I felt blood coming out of my knee.  I felt something inside my knee and chest poking my skin. I felt my stomach turn and my lunch and breakfast coming back up. 

I put my hand over my mouth and crawled over a trash can and puked out all the found I had that morning and afternoon. 

I groan in pain, hurt and in pain. 

Might as well go home as I can't really pay any attention to anything other than the pain inside of me and the blood that's on the ground. I slowly got up and headed out. Limping. I got out of the school without anyone noticing me. I went to the tree by the park and grabbed the cereal I stashed away.

I walked for a few more blocks and got to my little bridge home. I drop my cereal right by and started to shift. I cry in pain as something in my chest and knee wasn't right.

Sooner or later I shifted and saw my left leg look off and something still poking my ribs.

I lay down in front of the bridge huffing in pain.

I looked at my bridge home and sighed.

At least I didn't get in trouble with the deans today. Only a few troubling kids that told me to leave Tanner alone.

That thought made my raccoon cry inside of me. I cringe feeling the pain in my body... but mostly...

The pain in my heart.

I tried my best and crawled myself and my package cereal into my little home. I laid back down and felt liquid under me.

I looked down and saw there was blood still coming out, a line from outside. Where I shifted and laid.


Hopefully, that doesn't attract much attention

But soon I started to see black circles come in my sight... no...

No... I can't... I don't want to die.


I don't have to suffer anymore.

People won't hurt me anymore.

I won't have to search for food every day anymore...

People would be glad a dirty raccoon is off the streets.

They won't even know I would be gone.... why would they? I'm just... a raccoon

I might as well make a deal with death...

I'm not so scared anymore.

In fact... I welcome death now.

I'm sorry, Tanner ...my eyes start to close... and I welcome sleep or death. Whichever claims me first

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