Dark Tension

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(I cant remember if I gave tanners fathers a name... please help I'm mentally losing it)

Justine's POV

I felt content, waking up to warm surrounding me. From the softness of the pillows to warm hands around my waist and soft blanket covering Tanner and I. I slowly open my eyes to see Tanner wasn't there. Instead a bunch of pillows I'm currently hugging that have a strong smell of Tanner.

I sat up and saw a note and folded clothes on the drawer right by the door. I sat up and felt my back pop in a few places as I exhaled out. Damn that felt good. I shook my body a bit and got up and read the note. That's was clearly written by Tanner.

'My dearest kit of mine,
My fathers are there to help you, get you ready to and for school. My fathers have sent me early to deal with a commotion in town. I'll meet you before school starts to take you to class my kit. I'm not letting you go by yourself in the halls anymore.

Oh and father is making pancakes and I got an outfit out for you if you like. You can pick something else but I thought this will most please you for the day.

Your mate,

I looked up and the outfit he chose for me was baggy Jean's, his green flowery shirt that is a bit too big on me and his black jacket that smells just like him. I smiled and put the outfit on.

I look hot, and comfortable. I love it, at least I dont look homeless anymore.

I grab my backpack and skipped downstairs and saw Tanners father making pancakes and his dad trying to dance with him. It was cute. I sat down as I watch his dad turn up Classical music. Father was turning red as ever trying to ignore him.

Dad went in and smoothly grabbed his hand and twirled him into a kiss.
Spicy, I like it. I giggled which caught their attention. Father jumped away and back to the pancakes and dad laughed and looked towards me. "Hey Justine, how are you today"

I nod, "good, how are you guys today?"

"I'm really good, extravagant even" his dad said

"Content" his father said with a smile towards his dad....

Wait do I even know their names yet? Oh I am very terrible

"What, can I call you guys?" I mumbled nervously

His father smiled softly towards me, "you can call me Jaxon and my lovely mate, Cedar. But if you call us father and dad, we don't mind"

I nod, "thank you"

"Of course you little panda, let's get you fed and going so we can get you to your mate. I think Tanner is about done with his meeting"

Jaxon nodded, "let's hope"


Tanner POV

I met up with Jasmine and Casey as we left around 4 in the morning to town square. It was barely dawn. Barely any light on the streets as we walked to talk to the newcomer. As we got close to the main park near school I saw the guy from yesterday there. Something about him doesnt feel right, father was right.

He turned towards us and smirks at us. "Look what the cat dragged in, bunch of wet furbags I see" he chuckled

Jasmine and Casey both lowly growled, showing fangs and claws. I put a hand on both of their backs to prevent them from killing him. We must see what his intentions are first.

I look up at him again, "the names Tanner, what do you seek in my fathers domain?"

He chuckles again looks up at him, "ah so your the one with manners, future alpha I assume" he teases a bit more

I growl a bit showing a but of my own fangs, getting a bit annoyed with this man's teasing. Thank god he doesnt smell of a rogue or a enemy pack.

"Speak or forever hold your peace, your wasting our time." I demanded with a more forceful darker tone.

"Thee names Razertooth. I'm apart of a rodent distinguished company. Sources tell me a raccoon has been trashing and littering these precious streets you guys calls home. I'm very invested on this case and wish to get your guys information on the close wearabout of the venom creature" he introduces himself

Interesting name I so due say. "The creature has been contained and no longer threatening the town. If that is all you wish to know. Your services are no longer needed. Good day Razertooth" I turn around to walk away with Jasmine and Casey by my side

"I will find the raccoon sooner or later. Whether it be the same or another creature, I will get my kill Tanner. I will promise you that"

I turn around to stare him down, "what do you mean by that?"

He smirks at me as he lights a cigar, "other creatures have four paws, little boy. It just depends on if the kill lowers their guard enough. But one thing for sure, I have killed muts and cats before, I just need a raccoon to finish my collection. I'll ensure it too. I dont think you know this either, but they are quiet rare over here. Most of them have been extinct"

I unconsciously growled, what is my wolf doing?

"This conversation is over, I recommend you leave this city, Mr.Razertooth" I growled out, hoping he took the hint to up and leave. I dont want to see his face again

He chuckles, "alright Tanner, but just know, this isn't over young child" before he walked away.

I walked towards the school angry, good thing I'm not letting Justine out of my sight. Especially now and the upcoming blue moon.

Jasmine and Casey followed me as we entered school. I walked into my fathers office to see him and Justine waiting for me.

"Thank you father, ready kit?"

He nods, "ready!" Smiling like a blossoming flower

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