First Hour (Edited)

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Justine Pov

I walked into school pretty early as I can, 6:45. Classes don't start until 830. So I got some time beforehand to dig into the school's dumpster. Plus staying outside with wet hair isn't that fun, especially with winter nearing. I may get a cold or the flu before the winter falls. Plus I don't have the money to get flu shots or cold medicine right now.

I would just be suffering to it for days. Hoping and wishing someone would give or help a helpless sick raccoon. But no one has the heart to help a 'gray and white bandit'. So I head outside and headed to the trash.

I sneaked in and jumped into the huge dumpster. Finding absolutely nothing except a destroyed apple and burnt bread.

Great, no breakfast 

I got out, shifted, and washed my hands inside at one of the bathrooms.

I went to the cafeteria and pulled out my red bandana before sitting down at one of the tables.

I open my bandana, slowly eating my crackers and banana. Watching people enter the school as time flys by.

I do this everyday to smell for peoples scents in what they do. Plus to see if they notice me or not.

Like bread and frost maybe someone working as a bakery or donut shop. Theirs other as well that don't make sense like fresh spring water and ash.... werid

I took the last bite of my banana and threw the peel away. Getting up and putting the bandana away. I was heading out of the cafeteria before taking a big whiff of hamburgers and a chocolate milkshake.

My mouth began to water at the smell. I have been craving a good meal for a while. I turn around and looked around hoping someone had a burger or chocolate shake. But no! No one had delicious food. Just crap food they had to order from the stupid cafeteria

I whimper, grabbed my stomach in hunger pains and walked out to first hour.

I got their early of course and got to sit in my chair in the back. I open my backpack and pulled out my sketchbook.

I draw and practice drawing in my sketchbook whenever I can. It helped me out great when I stress out or had a freaky nightmare

I usually draw stuff I see.

Like girls that hang out together. Cops that try to look for a 'dirty raccoon'. Bussers and dishwashers throwing away trash. And the park.

I look at my sketches and one seemed always out of place to ones I have drawn.

I had this werid dream a year ago. It was of a handsome man. Light and intense green like eyes and awesome floof hair.

Then right by him is a dream I had two days ago. Of a gorgeous, huge,  white wolf staring dead straight into my eyes.

I have never seen a wolf in my life except in children books. Cause well I don't want to die to mighty teeth of a savage and hungry wolf, like them.

I picked up my pencil and right then I started imagining the hamburger and chocolate milkshake to the best of my ability

I soon finish it with ease. But something about it seems not done.

So I grabbed my eraser and started making a fuss like wavy streaks through them both. I pull away and it looked like air or scented hamburger and shake in the sky.


I put away my sketchbook as the bell rang, signaling class is starting.

I looked up and saw a heavenly picture.  A guy walks in with 2 others and he has hazel green eyes and a side floof that screams touch me.

My heart stops beating as the chocolate milkshake and hamburger smell comes back. Haunting me.

I felt my raccoon teeth come out and my claws. I somehow partly shift. I close my mouth right away to prevent anyone from seeing me as a shifter then what they have been expecting... human.

But the guy has looked up and smiled at me, waving towards me.

Girls right by me gasp thinking he waved to them...

Hopefully, he did... I don't want the attention. I can't be trapped in attention or else I'm dead. Roadkill.

I look away, my heart about to break into two. I sink down in my chair as the man sits in his chair and my teacher starts the lesson.

I can't focus on anything but the man in front of me and the hamburger and milkshake smell. My stomach begins to rumble. I grab my sides with my hand like claws and bit my lip to prevent myself from growling out in hunger.

My belly, on the other hand, had its own ideas. Here and there throughout the lesson, my stomach growled in hunger, grabbing a few girls attention right by me. One was a girl that came in with handsome. My claws were digging into my stomach. I felt a little liquid land on my hands.

I pulled away and saw blood from my claws had actually dug into my skin.

"Crap" I silently say.

I'm never this hungry before. Only to cause myself probably cuts on my stomach.

The girl from earlier grabbed something from her bag and put it on my desk.... package peanut butter crackers...

My tongue licks my lips. But I look at the girl concerned

She whispered, "you need it more than me" she pointed towards my stomach and blood.

I smile and whispered thanks and dug into the crackers.

They were so good with the snap of the cheese crackers and the silk peanut butter landing on my tongue.

Soon I was able to focus better and started understanding the lesson.

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