Percy Jackson x Male Reader

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Alright so before moving on I have some big warnings.

Just to be sure some of you see this...






Pre Prologue isn't required but it is recomended.

This is the Movie Version of Percy Jackson, and yes, in respect they can be called two different versions.

I understand plot is something that should be the same but you have to understand that actors cant be absolutely the same as the book.

Anyways not picking sides because sadly I haven't read the books :(

(Lets not argue TOO much about it in the comments k? Be good to eachother :> .)

Pre-Prologue Story

In this story there is a seperate species from humans. Lets just say way back when humans started to evolve, way even before neanderthols.

People just started to become two species, one was way more aggressive, and started to eat purely meat. While one started to eat both meat and vegtables, and they were WAY more friendly in compairison to the other.

So the aggressive one soon began to, while in its blood lust, forget its closely related brother was even its own kind.

And it soon had eaten one of everything on the earth, so day by day he lusted for the flesh of his brother species.

And one night, he ate one of the men from the village.

The others of the village searched and searched, and oh boy did they receive.

They found the mans body lifeless, large bites taken out of his body.

But even more so, his whole head was missing. Almost bit off in one bite. And the bites taken out of his body varied in size, from human jaw to bigger.

They trailed the blood to where ever they could but it ended just as abruptly as it had ended.

So they wrote it off as a sudden event.

But a woman was taken next, same thing. But her head seemed to be eaten off in more rapid and agrresive bites.

Why you might ask? Well our aggressive friend had taken a very keen taste to humans, particularly their heads...

But this time the blood trail didn't stop.

It led to a cave, one everyone found familiar.

This was their brothers cave, figurative brother of course-specieal brother, why would it lead here?

Well, they shine a light inward on the cave.

There was brother, crouched over a human arm, taking nastily huge bloody bites.

No. No it couldn't be.

Not brother.. sure he wasn't always himself, caught in the blood lust sometimes but. He wouldn't do this, both of the species looked the same sure.

But brother had larger teeth, more canines, and they grew in like a shark sure-but brother wouldn't do this.

Sure brother was way more aggressive than them and always hunted constantly and preferred privacy and to be alone even from his own kind sure-but not brother.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now