Shiro x Male Reader

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I groan and fall into a pair of arms, "Arrrggh." I mumble. "What?" I hear a voice say "Who is it?" Another one says. "Nrg. Rtsuje? Kshdoen? Ugh.... mey redjif." I say holding my head. "What is it saying?" I hear someone say. I am sat down on something and I hold my head, I search my memory trying to click with the language. "Akk." I groan as I feel my eye  piece send a surge through my body. "W-Whndid. Where?" I stutter. I hear gasping, "So you can speak." I hear a femine voice say. I groan and clear my head, I open my eyes and get more gasps.

Shiro's POV

Woah, we just found a secret room in the castle with a sleeping capsule and a weird person falls out of it into my arms. Currently were staring at him as he sits down completely ignoring us, he looks like the Balmayens. But more human, he has grey skin. Their catish ears, and side face horns. He's so strange, he opens his eyes after saying where. His eyes are pure blue, without pupils. He grits his teeth jolting from some discomfort, his teeth look very sharp. His (fluffy/straight/curly/messy) (h/l) (h/c) hair bounces and covers his right eye, his fingers curl and his short nails dig into his pants. "Ngghhhaahhh!" He groans quietly as he straightens his back against the wall. "He's hurt! We must help him!" I say going to pick him up. "No! I'm not going to help some non Altianen found in the castle!" The princess yells at me pulling me back. I stare at her dumbfounded, "But maybe he is good." I say. She growls and glances at the in pain male, "Fine, but I want him in cuffs!" She says reluctantly. Coran cuffs the males feet and hands together, Lance curiously looks over the male for wounds. "He doesn't seem to be injured." Lance says. "Huh?" I look over the male. "Hmm." I mumble. I brush his hair to the side and get shocked by something, a eye piece and a metal ear. I watch it fizz and give off little sparks and pieces of electricity, I gasp as each time it does this he looks in pain. "PIDGE!" I yelp. She looks do it and her eyes sparkle, "Whoa....... I wonder what race made that..." She mumbles. "Pidge! Its hurting him! Fix it!" I yell. She jolts and begins fixing it.

10 minutes later

Pidge fixed it and the male was panting heavily in relief, "T-Thank you...." He groans. Allura picks up a knife and brings it to his throat, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT WHERE YOU DOING ON MY SHIP AND WHAT RACE ARE YOU!!" She yells like he has a titanium thick skull. He gives out some chuckles with choughs, he opens his left eye looking at the princess. "The last time I heard that voice you were a child...." He mumbles out. "A-And I thought you wouldn't ever pull a knife out especially when your father taught you not to..." He chuckles out slowly. "Who..... Are you?" Allura asks. He opens both of his eyes and sits up wincing, Allura is startled by his actions and almost cuts him. "I-I am Y/N L/N, I am a unknown rare species, last I knew I was a hybrid." He says looking at her. She huffs and growls, "WHY ARE YOU ON MY SHIP!" she says semi loud. " You really don't remember me?" He says. Y/N's facial expressions showing sadness, she tightens the knife and his eyes widen. " I am a castle of lions mechanic. I am 24 years old. I worked for the king, father of princess Allura." He said closing his eyes. Allura brought the knife closer to his neck, "Liar." She scowls. "Heh." He laughs. " If you kill me. You'll never have the back up files to the kings memory's." He says grinning. She flinches and backs off a little, she growls and picks him up by him hair making the man squeal and flail his limbs around.



I sigh as I limp to the infirmary, Allura is waiting for me. My fat short tail tracking behind me, I sit down and Allura observes my wounds. We begin conversation. Then she brings up why I act weird or leave when I'm around Shiro, I flinch and sigh. "When I'm around Shiro, my heart beats fast, my face turns red, and I sweat lightly. And when he touches me I get hot and cold flashes, sometimes I get..... You know. When I think of him." I say shamefully. She squeals and jumps up and down, I look at her confused. " How come you don't know what that emotion is!" She says. I sweat drop. " Being a mechanic I am not good with understanding nor feeling and knowing what emotions are." I sigh. "What emotions do you know of and which ones have you experienced?" She asks. I think humming, "I know of love, sadness,anger, fear, disgust, l-lust, and courage. I have felt all of the listed but love Lust." I say. She looks at me sad fully, awwwww I hear her say. She begins to speak when my eye  piece interrupts her, my small speaker flashes a message from Shiro. "Hey Y/N we had a surprise attack and black lion took some damage. Come down to the launch pads and please fix him." He says. I blush and nod, "Be right there Shiro." I say running to the black lion.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now