Matt Holt x Alien Male Reader

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Your species has wolf like ears on where human ears would be, the ears start on the jaw but go until their on top of the head. Then you have a tail that is skinny up until the end where it is a giant puff of fur. You have tan skin as well, the white of your eyes are light blue. Your pupil is bright yellow, then your iris is black. Your nose is blunt and round. Your nose, fingertips, and bottom of your feet are black. Your nose is wet, like a dogs. Your fingertips and palms are black because you have paw pads, and your toes and foot are black because you have paw pads. You have the same sexual reproduction system as a human male. Your sense of smell is the same of a wolves, your not color blind though. Your body has a heat though, even though you can't reproduce your body goes though a heat. You have hard, sharp, black nails, they can cut through some metals and they grow back fast. You also have sharp teeth, every tooth you have are canines. You still eat vegetables its just your species doesn't need molars. Your eyesight is highly enhanced, and you can growl, bark, howl, and whimper.

Third person POV

For a while now since Pidge found Matt, she hasn't known that while in space Matt formed a strong bond with a alien. Meanwhile, when Y/N arrived at Matt's usual spot and found him missing, Y/N freaked. So instantly Y/N contacted Matt with their special code, Matt invited Y/N over to the castle. Y/N easily accepted, like many Y/Ns planet was under Galra control. Not only did Matt's offer give him a chance to liberate his race, but also see his boyfriend. Yes, Matt formed a very strong bond with a freedom fighter. At a young age Y/N escaped his planet, he was lucky to escape with nothing more than a large scratch that goes in a solid circle around his neck. Y/N came to Matt with technology goods, Y/N had previously became a freedom trader, they go from freedom fighting planet to another. Trading goods that would help them gain freedom. Y/N came to Matt with a wide knowledge of languages, tech, customs, and many other things he had gained along his many years of being a trader. All Y/N wanted in return of his materials and knowledge, was for Matt to help him remove his highly explosive collar. Y/N was part of a very strong race, so to avoid the rebellion of that race the Galra's put a collar that could shock them or kill them. Y/N had been out of range of the activator that could kill him but if the collar was removed it could explode, no one had wanted to help him remove it. So Matt helped deactivate it and get it off, which instantly made Y/N pass out. For more than one reason, one; the collar was dug into his flesh and muscle, two; excitement. He bled out and Matt had to stop the bleeding, that was 5 years ago. After that Y/N stopped at his comet often, they had formed a great relationship.


I slightly cry in sight of the giant castle, I straighten out my clothes. I gulp, I dock my ship on theirs. I walk down the corridor into the space seal, I feel the air push at me from all sides. Making my body shift a little, as the red light turns green I unhook my helmet. I breath in the air slowly, I pull off my helmet. I mess with the metal collar to my space suit, the small scratches on it becoming more noticeable. I gulp, I hear the door in front of me open. I straighten up as I expect to see the princess or something, my facial features soften as I see Matt. I jump out at him and hug him tight, he hugs back hard too. Suddenly he lifts me up making me gasp and begin laughing as he spins me around, I hear his happy laughter surround me. He places me down and smiles, I see no one is around. He leans forward and I close my eyes as we kiss sweetly, he sighs as he holds my hands in his.

"I missed your cold nose." He says sweetly.

I giggle, he straightens up.

"Alright, I was sent to retrieve you and bring you to the others in the main hall. I don't want to alert them of our relationship yet. So, down low okay?" He says.

I nod. We begin walking somewhere, soon we turn and I see this large rectangle table. I see two altean's, and five humans. One looks a lot like Matt, but smaller and with glasses. Suddenly one of the altean's with white hair turns to me and smiles, I smile without teeth. I know my sharp teeth scare people sometimes. Matt sits me next to himself, the smaller human who looks like Matt sits down next to my right side. I look back to Matt and then the other Altean.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now