Tony Stark x Male Reader

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Its my birthday, my asshole sister won't let me sleep at 3 am. So I did the next best thing. Listen to my tunes and read, whilst reading I got a cute fluffy idea so here you are.

Quick info, the reader is a super soldier who hasn't been frozen and is about 43. Tony is 52ish.

Y/N Pov

I sigh as I look up from my phone.

"Jarvis? Where is Tony?" I ask.

"Tony is in his lab." Jarvis replies.

I sigh louder. I put my phone in my back pocket and get up, I make my way out of our room and down a few floors.

I look through the glass workshop doors for a bit.

"Jarvis. Unlock lab doors." I say.

"Mr Stark locked them exactly 10 hours ago, he asked to not be disturbed." Jarvis repsonds.

"Tony Stark's boyfriend override." I demand.

Jarvis listens, a program I installed myself that Tony doesn't even know of.

The automatic door opens and I step inside, I scan the area only to see him folded over the same workbench as always.

I walk over and smile at his sleeping figure.

How Tony sleeps on such hard surfaces I will never know, the lights are practically blinding in this room too.

Tony doesn't even have a blanket and he is filthy with smoke from fire.

His left cheek smooshed against the table while he bends over it from a unstable like swivel chair.

His mouth slightly open and a small string of drool leaving his mouth.

I chuckle softly. Tony is so cute.

His hair is messy, and he has a pair of goggles on his forehead.

But then I think about his posture, Tony usually plays it off but he doesnt like sleeping anywhere but a bed.

I sigh and remove his goggles gently, I place them on the table in front of him.

I pry the wrench from his right hand that is balled in a fist lazily resting on the table.

I then pick him up bridal style. I carry him back up stairs and when I open our bedroom door Tony stirs.

"Huh...... W-What?" Tony mumbles quietly.

I smile at him. I may him down on the bed and pull off his heavy leather apron.

Suddenly Tony jolts and rubs his eyes fiercely, but he still lays confused and tired.

"Y/N??" He whines loudly.

I smile and sit down to his left. He jolts and flips over to face me.

"Y/N...." He whines softly.

I remove his thick leather gloves softly and present him my hand. His hand interlocks with mine quickly and tightly.

He smacks his lips quickly and gives a soft yawn.

I wipe his face of a few stray yawn tears, and all the dirt.

"Y/N...... I'm uncomfortable....." He mumbles.

I untangle my hand from his slowly. To which he grumbles softly.

I lean over his and unbutton his plain white dress shirt. I pull it off softly and he sighs.

I go down and take off his shoes slowly. I pull his socks off along with them, I go up and unbuckle his belt.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now